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dc.contributor.advisorWagner, Jennifer M.
dc.contributor.authorWagner, Jennifer M.
dc.description.abstractThis study sought to determine the most in-demand and valued industry recognized credentials from the lens of Wisconsin employers. Employers identified credentials that can be earned in high school that are regarded as required or preferred for employment. Specially, this study aimed to collect employer perceptions of industry recognized credentials being earned in the secondary system. Both quantitative and qualitative data were collected utilizing descriptive statistics and thematic analysis. The study revealed that while employers find industry recognized credentials valuable, only a small percentage are required for employment. The study also revealed that many employers are unfamiliar with the vast amount of credentials currently offered in high schools.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Wisconsin--Stouten_US
dc.titleEmployer Perception of Industry Recognized Credential Attainment in the Secondary Systemen_US
dc.typeThesisen_US and Technical Education

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  • UW-Stout Dissertations
    This collection holds dissertations from the Doctorate of Education in Career and Technical Education Leadership (Ed.D. CTEL) program. Theses pre-1999 are available on microfilm. Contact for access.

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