Now showing items 1-20 of 252

    • Absence 

      Xiong, Koua (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2016-04)
      Absences fill our lives. As an abstraction of the nonexistent, these variables can present themselves in myriad and miscellaneous forms. Sometimes they begin as an insignificant loss, but with time they become a considerable ...
    • Absurdity and the leap of faith 

      Roskowski, Matthew (2013)
      Albert Camus described the absurd as the conflict between man's continual search for meaning and his inability to find any meaning in a cold, indifferent universe. The focus of Absurdism pertains to the qualities of ...
    • Acquired narcissism 

      Peterson, Darcy Mae (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2015-04)
      My work necessitates experience—the interactivity of the viewer and the piece. One must get physically involved in order to understand. If there is no engagement, if the trigger is not set off, one has no way of ...
    • Active metal brazing and characterization of silicon nitride-to-metal joints 

      Baer, Casandra J (2010)
      Active metal brazing of Inconel and titanium to turbine grade silicon nitride, widely acknowledged to be one of the most difficult ceramics to join to metals, was demonstrated for NASA?s Subsonic Rotary Wing project. A ...
    • Adolescent Hmong marriage and risk of depression 

      Lee, Bao (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2014-04)
      Hmong women who marry before the age of eighteen are more likely to develop depression later in life, compared to Hmong women who marry after the age of eighteen (Bartz & Nye, 1970; Gangoli, McCarry, & Razak, 2009; ...
    • Adoptive parent attitudes toward their children with disabilities 

      Marciniak, Andrew.; Sinz, Stacy. (2009)
      Adoption and child service agencies are overwhelmed with available children, and those with disabilities make up a disproportionate percentage. This nonrandom pilot study investigated attitudes about the adoption of ...
    • Adult criminality outcomes of former foster care youth: implications for policy and practice 

      Pfluger, Lydia (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2016-04)
      Evidence suggests that children who are involved in the foster care system are more likely to become involved in the criminal justice system as adults. Understanding the many obstacles foster youth encounter before, during, ...
    • African-American jubilee: a recurring fifty year rejuvenation 

      Coopman, Cassandra R (2010)
      Jubilee is an occurrence known and celebrated by many different cultures and religions. It is also an African- American interpretation of the era directly after the Civil War, based on the common biblical interpretation ...
    • Allies and the LGBTQ+ community 

      Feldkamp, Lucas (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2016-04)
      This research looks into what is to be an ally to the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trangender, Queer+ (LGBTQ+) community at the University of Wisconsin-Stout (UW-Stout). It will provide insight into what an ally is and how ...
    • Analysis of the transtheoretical model of behavior change 

      Lenio, James A. (2006)
      The focus of this paper is on the Transtheoretical Model of Behavior Change (TTM). A description of the model, the applications toward modifying health behavior, and the model's criticisms will all be examined. Through ...
    • Animal and college student emotional relationship: path to pet therapy on campus 

      Noden, Brooke N. (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2015-04)
      Many college students experience high levels of stress and/or homesickness in their first two years of college. When students experience this emotional state, they may begin to identify as someone who has anxiety and/or ...
    • Artificial constructions 

      Docksey, Jacob (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Office of Research and Sponsored Programs, 2017-04)
      When fishing in fresh water it is common to use a jig and hook to catch a variety of fish. For example, with the same tackle one may catch a bass, walleye, or catfish without ever changing one’s lure. A jig is a rubber body ...
    • Assessing diversity competence in resident advisors 

      Wolf, Morgan (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2016-04)
      Common discussions about diversity often revolve around age, gender identity, sexual orientation, race, ethnicity and economic class, but there are more areas of diversity not commonly associated with the word: ...
    • The attitudes of male inmates towards recidivism 

      Kaiser, Adam; Lewitzke, Bethany (2010)
      The United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world (Vacca, 2004). An existing body of research demonstrates that programs for incarcerated individuals to reduce recidivism have a positive ...
    • Autism spectrum disorder and professional job interviews 

      Tostrud, Ethan (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2016-04)
      Autism spectrum disorders pose daily challenges to those who are diagnosed. In the workforce young adults with autism may face more adversity when seeking employment than those who are not diagnosed on the autism spectrum. ...
    • B vitamin supplementation in treating depression 

      Klemp, Melissa L. (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2016-04)
      Objectives: 1. To assess if B vitamin supplementation decreases symptoms of depression. 2. To assess if B vitamin supplementation decreases depressive symptoms in people who take antidepressants yet still experience symptoms ...
    • Bad Feminist (for Roxane Gay) 

      Lange, Tiffany (University of Wisconsin--Stout. Research Services, 2016-04)
      My work explores topics of feminism and how growing up in the Midwest has influenced it. In The Role of Feminist Aesthetics in Feminist Theory, Hilde Hein explains feminism as, “The perspective that women bring to experience ...