Browsing RDRC FY2022 Research Projects by Title
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
EMF22-01: Assessing Administrative Burden Among Supplemental Security Income Recipients
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)Supplemental Security Income (SSI) recipients often manage multiple benefit programs to manage their health and disability and make ends meet. The administrative burden of accessing and maintaining SSI and additional ... -
EMF22-02: Social Security, Retirement and Farmers--A Survey of Wisconsin Farm Owners
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)Planning for retirement is something almost all individuals face as they age. However, farmers face a unique set of challenges when planning for retirement due to specific factors: the close tie between identity and ... -
JSIT22-01: Disability Determination, Employment Histories, and Age at First SSI Receipt
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)The disability criteria used to determine Supplemental Security Income (SSI) eligibility varies by age. For people under age 65, SSI is a means-tested disability program; for people aged 65 and older, the disability ... -
JSIT22-02: The Retirement Implications of Non-Standard Work
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)With a rise in non-standard work – independent contracting, freelancing, temporary, on-call, and “gig work” – research has focused on implications for economic security. These forms of work tend to be more precarious, lack ... -
JSIT22-03: Employment Among Adolescent Children of SSDI Recipients Researchers
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)I explore the association between parental work-limiting disabilities (WLD) and Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) receipt and the labor supply of their adolescent children. Using the 2014-2021 waves of the ... -
JSIT22-05: Family Caregiving at Older Ages: Implications for Adult Children by Race and Ethnicity
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)As the demography ages, the demand for family care is expected to rise rapidly in the United States. Due to lower access to quality formal care and differences in norms and traditions, minority populations rely more ... -
WI22-01: The Effect of Childhood Public Policies on Adult Work Disability
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)This study estimates the impact of childhood exposure to three welfare-enhancing policies – Medicaid, Food Stamps, and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC) – on work disability in adulthood. Work disability is richly ... -
WI22-02: Exploring Worker and Firm Characteristics that Drive Use of Accommodation for Workers with Disabilities
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)While several policy proposals advocate for more employer responsibility in encouraging workers to return to work after injury and disability, few studies have analyzed existing employer-based return to work programs in ... -
WI22-03: Family Proximity and Co-Residence in Retirement Heterogeneity in Residential Changes Across Older Adults’ Care Contexts
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)Residential changes to live near or with family can facilitate caregiving for children and older adults, along with other supports, but family-based residential changes could also have implications for economic security ... -
WI22-04: All in the Family: Parents of Children with Disabilities and Retirement
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)Parents of children with disabilities face a unique set of tradeoffs in retirement decisions. They may be more constrained in their ability to save for retirement in their prime labor-market years, and, once they reach ... -
WI22-05: Social Security Interactions with Child Tax Credit Expansion
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 significantly expands the Child Tax Credit (CTC), increasing the number of eligible children and payment amounts with advance monthly payments that began in July 2021. The expanded ... -
WI22-06: Understanding Racial and Ethnic Differences in SSA and Means-Tested Benefit Receipt and Their Anti-Poverty Effects for Children in Multigenerational Families
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)A growing share of children reside in households with caregivers, often their grandparents, who are not their biological parents or in three-generation households that include one or both of their parents as well as one ... -
WI22-07: The Geography of Long-Term Care: Implications for SSI and Understanding Disparities in Living Arrangements Among Older Adults
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)Research reveals that Black older adults are overrepresented in nursing homes and underrepresented in assisted living. It could be that community-based care facilities are more likely to locate in predominantly White areas. ... -
WI22-09: The COVID-19 Pandemic and Older Adults' Employment and Economic Security: Insights from Earnings and Credit Panel Data
(UW-Madison Retirement and Disability Research Center, 2022)This study examines the relationship between reductions in labor force participation and earnings during the first 15 months of the COVID-19 pandemic and older adults’ economic security. Our particular focus is on consumer ... -
WI22-10: Enhancing Trust in the Social Security Administration and E-Government among People Targeted by Fraud
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)One of the insidious effects of government imposter scams is the potential erosion of trust among those who are targeted – fraud targets may learn to distrust communications and people who claim to be from the Social ... -
WI22-11: Housing for SSI Recipients: Expenditures, Quality, and Trends
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)More than half of single-person households receiving Supplemental Security Income (SSI) are severely housing cost burdened, spending more than 50 percent of their income on housing, up from 35 percent in 1985, raising ... -
WI22-12: Health, Health Insurance, and Financial Security
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)The recent rise in economic hardship highlights the need to prepare for financial emergencies. Even before the pandemic, many lacked savings for unexpected expenses, retirement, or other goals; many experienced financial ... -
WI22-13: Household Composition, Resource Use,and the Resilience of Older Adults Aging in Community During COVID-19
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)Household composition is associated with older residents’ access to resources. This research uses the pandemic period as a stress-test to detect differences in resilience between older adults who lived alone, with a partner, ... -
WI22-Q1: Economic Security of People with Disabilities During the Pandemic
(Center for Financial Security, 2022)This paper investigates the degree to which people with disabilities experienced different economic outcomes after the COVID-19 pandemic relative to people without disabilities. While the effects of the pandemic are ongoing, ...