Browsing UW-L Theses & Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 1182
0Spatial and temporal relationships between the invasive snail Bithynia tentaculata and submersed aquatic vegetation in Pool 8 of the Upper Mississippi River
(2016-09-14)Bithynia tentaculata is an invasive snail that was first reported in Lake Michigan in 1871 and has since been rapidly spreading through the waters of the U.S. This invasion has been extremely problematic in the Upper ... -
13-lined ground squirrel platelets exhibit rod conformation that reduces rates of liver cell phagocytosis
(2019-12)Thrombocytopenia, or low levels of platelets in blood, is a symptom of various conditions and is typically treated via platelet transfusions. Donated platelets must be stored at room temperature due to structural damages ... -
2000 market survey of La Crosse area tourists & visitors
(2001-08)A market survey of La Crosse was performed to determine the latest trends on visitors to the La Crosse region. -
Ability of the LeanScreen to accurately assess waist-to-hip ratio and percent of body fat in comparison to laboratory tested procedures
(2017-09-28)Waist-to-hip ratio (WHR) and percent body fat (%BF) are commonly used in wellness and clinical settings, and while there is only one commonly used method for measuring WHR, %BF can be determined in many ways. However, the ... -
An accelerated learning program in La Crosse, Wisconsin
(1997-05)This study was a follow-up of an accelerated learning program in the La Crosse City Public Schools. The purpose was to determine the effect of an accelerated program on subsequent academic achievement, educational and ... -
Accuracy of exercise prescription methods compared to the ventilatory threshold
(2002-12)Many exercise professionals use non-invasive methods to determine exercise prescription. These methods have the risk of prescribing exercise intensities that are below and above the ventilatory threshold (VT). This study ... -
The accuracy of heart rate and energy expenditure measurements using the Polar M430 watch
(2020-12)This study was designed to assess the accuracy of the Polar M430 fitness watch to measure heart rate (HR) and energy expenditure (EE) during low, moderate, and high intensity treadmill exercise. Twenty subjects (12 males, ... -
Accuracy of heart rate-based zone training using predicted versus measured maximal heart rate
(2017-12)Predicted maximal heart rate (PMHR) equations are used in a variety of settings for exercise prescription. However, their efficacy is often questioned in the literature. The purpose of this study was to examine the accuracy ... -
Accuracy of various activity trackers in estimating steps taken and energy expenditure
(2013-12)This study was designed to assess the accuracy of various activity trackers in estimating steps taken and energy expenditure. The activity trackers included the Nike Fuelband, Jawbone UP, BodyMedia FIT Core, Adidas MiCoach, ... -
Acoustic analysis as a surrogate for gas exchange
(2013-05)Measurement of ventilatory (VT) and respiratory compensation (RCT) threshold is a standard practice during exercise testing with measurement of respiratory gas exchange (RGE). Previous work suggested the feasibility that ... -
The acute effect of foam rolling on range of motion, flexibility, agility, and vertical jump height
(2019-12)This study was designed to evaluate the acute effects of foam rolling (FR) on range of motion, flexibility, agility, and vertical jump height. Nineteen subjects (8 male, 11 female) completed a 15-minute FR session and a ... -
The acute effect of LifeMoves� on blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate, and perceived stress
(2012-12)Chronic stress is a prevalent problem; stress management techniques such as yoga and meditation are advocated to reduce the detrimental effects of stress. LifeMoves�, a novel stress management technique, guides the participant ... -
The acute effects of a caffeine containing supplement on anaerobic power and subjective measurements of fatigue in recreationally active males
(2016-09-07)The consumption of caffeinated beverages to enhance performance is common in young adults. The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects of a caffeine containing supplement on anaerobic power (AP) and subjective ... -
The Acute effects of a multi-ingredient pre-workout supplement on markers of clinical health and exercise performance in active females
(2016-09-12)Multi-ingredient pre-workout supplements (MIPS) are consumed with the belief of enhancing exercise performance, but research has primarily dealt with male subjects. The purpose of this study was to examine the acute effects ... -
The acute effects of dynamic exercise and nutritional supplementation on blood pressure in hypertensive patients
(2001-05)Hypertension is a modifiable risk factor for coronary heart disease. This study evaluated the reduction in blood pressure (BP) in response to sub-maximal cycling and nutritional supplementation with the active ingredient ... -
Acute effects of mild exercise on postprandial glucose and unsulin responses
(2001-12)Purpose: Hyperinsulinemia is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Chronic exercise is established as an anti-hyperinsulinemic factor. The purpose of this study was to determine if a postprandial exercise bout (20 min ... -
Acute metabolic effects of Bulletproof Coffee
(2016-12)Bulletproof Coffee, a modified coffee, is rapidly gaining popularity due to its purpoted metabolic claims. The coffee is marketed as a fat burning ergogenic aid, containing medium chain triglyceride (MCT) Oil and grass fed ... -
Acute physiological effects of interval versus steady-state exercise
(2010-05-24)This study was designed to evaluate the exercise intensity and energy expenditure of interval exercise compared to steady-state exercise on a cycle ergometer. Fourteen subjects completed a VO2max test on a cycle ergometer ... -
Acute physiological responses during high intensity interval training and continuous exercise training
(2014-12)The aim of this study was to investigate the correlation between improvements in aerobic and anaerobic power with various acute physiological responses, including blood lactate accumulation (HLa), percent heart rate reserve ...