Browsing UW-Stout Dissertations by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 74
Advancing the talent pipeline for women in information technology through increased enrollment in middle-skill information technology degree programs
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2019)The digital revolution has fueled enormous job growth in information technology and computing. The current talent pipeline, largely dominated by men, will not produce enough workers to meet industry demands. Increased ... -
Agile narratives: faculty perceptions of using Agile concepts and practices in postsecondary courses to influence collaboration and transferable workforce skills
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2018)The purpose of this narrative study was to examine the experience and perceptions of postsecondary faculty members who practice Agile techniques in their classrooms, specifically for collaborative learning activities. The ... -
Alignment of the Carl D. Perkins Act: A Multi-State Study of Two-Year Institutions
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2016)This study sought to identify alignment and allocation habits of public, two-year postsecondary institutions with the purpose and intent of the Carl D. Perkins Act. More specifically, it aimed at determining the primary ... -
Alternative Certification Routes for Career and Technical Education Teachers Matter: A Descriptive Study on CTE Teacher Efficacy and Retention in Pennsylvania
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2024)This describes the experiences of alternatively certified Career and Technical Education (CTE) teachers who participated in the Pennsylvania alternative CTE teacher preparation, induction, and mentorship programs. In ... -
Analyzing the design and evaluation of summer bridge programs at three community colleges within the Minnesota state system
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2017)This multi-case study was intended to understand the design and evaluation of summer bridge programs at three community colleges in the Minnesota State system. Through public information review, structured interviews, and ... -
Attracting Entrepreneurs to Community College through Self Determination Theory Informed Educational Practice
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)This research study examines the attraction of entrepreneurs to community colleges using Self-Determination Theory (SDT) informed educational practices. Community colleges face challenges such as declining enrollment rates, ... -
A Case Study Examining the Purpose and Implementation of Fab Labs in PK-12 Education in Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2021)A fab lab is a space with digital fabrication machines reflecting high tech solutions previously reserved for businesses. These spaces have drawn innovative people together to explore, play, and create similar to the way ... -
Challenges and successes of hiring career and technical education instructors experienced by technical and state colleges in the Florida panhandle
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2019)Evidence supports the existence of a shortage of instructors within education in the United States. This study explored the challenges and successes in recruiting and hiring Career and Technical (CTE) faculty at the ... -
Characteristics of United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners of America apprentice graduates of completing the apprenticeship program in Illinois
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2017)The purpose of this study was to discover the characteristics of union apprentice graduates that lead to completion of the registered apprenticeship program. Low level of completion and cancellation rates of apprenticeship ... -
A Definition of Rurality: A Sequential Quantitative Analysis Aligning Education to Geography
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2024)The dissensus on what rural is at the Federal level changes the designation of any given place from rural to urban or vice versa, impacting decisions about allocating resources to communities. Legislative codes conceal ... -
Determining the Usefulness of the WorkKeys Assessment for Advancing Wisconsin’s Collaborative Career Readiness Effort
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)Terms like skills gap and career readiness are used so frequently that they almost become trite. When digging further into the conversations surrounding these terms, there are many similarities. Ultimately, the focus is ... -
Differences in College and Career Planning Perspectives of Middle School Students Across Cultural Identity Groups
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)Disparity in postsecondary transition rates of minority students as compared to their nonminority peers remains prevalent in the twenty-first century. This non-experimental quantitative study explored differences in ... -
A Dual Enrollment Partnership to Support the Manufacturing Sector in Connecticut: A Comparative Study
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)The Hamden Engineering Career Academy (HECA) is a unique dual enrollment initiative designed to address the shortage of skilled human capital in the manufacturing sector across Connecticut. This study examines the ... -
Effective Leadership Development for Small and Medium-sized Manufacturers’
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2024)Social and economic change have affected the workforce and, invariably, the leaders. However, manufacturing leaders' lack of experience and ability makes it difficult to be effective with today's workforce. Manufacturing ... -
The effects of correctional education in vocational training on employment opportunities in Central and Northern Wisconsin for ex-offenders upon release
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2020)Vocational training efforts by the Wisconsin Department of Corrections have attempted to remove barriers on the path of employment for the ex-offender population. The purpose of this mixed-methods study identified if the ... -
Effects of Promising Practices on Graduation Rates of Public Two-Year Colleges
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2017)Current graduation rates indicate a lack of persistence at public two-year community and technical colleges. This study identifies promising practices found to be effective in the way they help improve graduation rates ... -
The Effects of the ASVAB career exploration program on high school students' career decision self-efficacy
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2019)The purpose of this mixed-methods study was to better understand the effects the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery Career Exploration Program has on 10th, 11th or 12th grade high school students' confidence in ... -
Employer Perception of Industry Recognized Credential Attainment in the Secondary System
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)This study sought to determine the most in-demand and valued industry recognized credentials from the lens of Wisconsin employers. Employers identified credentials that can be earned in high school that are regarded as ... -
Employment Ethics vs Work Ethic: Assessing Wisconsin’s Labor Market Wages to a Needs-Based Ethical Wage
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)The following study looks to assess the employment ethics of employers in Wisconsin by assessing how the wage health of the state has changed from 2001 to 2021. It does so by establishing a needs-based ethical wage, a ... -
Ethical Data Practices of Using Student Evaluations of Teachers and the Influence of Social Media on Instructional Academic Staff
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)Student evaluations of teachers (SET) are an example of how a good idea turns bad because it is executed poorly. Along with a plethora of peer-reviewed papers, this research is about how this SET system is an inaccurate ...