Retirement and Disability Research Center
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The University of Wisconsin-Madison Retirement and Disability Research Center (UW-RDRC) is an applied research program which develops evidence that can assist policymakers, the public, and the media in understanding issues in Social Security, retirement, and disability policy, especially related to economically vulnerable populations. The UW-RDRC incorporates diversity of viewpoints and disciplines, develops diverse emerging scholars and generates research findings that are used in policy and practice.
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Center for Financial Security
Research briefs, reports, and other resources from CFS evaluations and studies focused on financial well-being.
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Center for Financial Security Publications
Research briefs, reports, and other resources from CFS evaluations and studies focused on financial well-being.
Recent Submissions
Beyond the Bottom Line: Relationship Reasons to Practice Thrift
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)We analyze the impact of cognitive skills on two specific examples of consumer financial decisions where suboptimal behavior is well defined: first, the use of a credit card for a transaction after making a balance ... -
Designing disclosures to improve consumer financial decision making: Lessons learned from consumer testing
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)We explore findings from consumer testing of disclosures and what these can tell us about how and how much well-designed disclosures may improve consumer understanding of financial products. Consumer testing conducted ... -
Discounting and Defaulting: Evidence from Time Preference Experiments and Administrative Credit Data
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)Prior empirical analyses of credit default demonstrate the importance of policy-driven differences in costs and benefits. However, little is known about individual determinants of default within a given institutional ... -
Frame Changin’: How Presence of a Child Impacts Provider Selection and Satisfaction in The Insurance Industry
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)Social scientists have long demonstrated that our perceptions of the world are shaped by schemas, a set of beliefs about people, events or situations that we use as guides in our interactions (i.e., Cohen, 1981; Tversky ... -
Sought or Sold? Understanding the Linkages between Origination Channel and Consumer Choice in the Mortgage Market
(Center for Financial Security, 2010) -
A Tool for Getting By or Getting Ahead? Consumers' Views on Prepaid Cards
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)This paper summarizes lessons from interviews of 22 consumers who use general-purpose reloadable prepaid cards (PPCs), an emerging financial services product that provides transaction services not linked to a conventional ... -
Debt Literacy, Financial Experiences, and Overindebtedness
(Center for Financial Security, 2009)We analyze a national sample of Americans with respect to their debt literacy, financial experiences, and their judgments about the extent of their indebtedness. Debt literacy is measured by questions testing knowledge ... -
Trigger Events and Financial Outcomes over the Lifespan
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)This research identifies demographic groups vulnerable to trigger events to inform efforts to improve financial education. Specifically, we examine the effects of trigger events on net worth throughout the life course. ... -
StabilityFirst Pilot Test
(Center for Financial Security, 2010) -
Catastrophes and Demand for Life Insurance
(Center for Financial Security, 2009)Prior research suggests that the occurrence of a catastrophe may lead to increases in risk perception, risk mitigation, and insurance purchasing behavior. Given the extensive damage that often is inflicted by natural ... -
Financial Literacy: Evidence from the Cusp of Retirement
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)Following a survey of employees estimated to be one year from retirement I analyze responses to a twelve item financial literacy quiz relating scores to evidence of planning exercises, self-assessed proficiency with ... -
Trigger Events and Financial Outcomes Among Older Households
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)Follow a sample of social security beneficiaries drawn from the Health and Retirement Study from their first year of retirement up to 15 years into retirement, we estimate rates at which retirees are subject to family ... -
A Review of Financial Advice Models and the Take-Up of Financial Advice
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)Financial advice can complement educational interventions for individuals with technical financial issues or acute financial problems; it may also help clients apply knowledge gained from education and adhere to financial ... -
The Emotions and Cognitions Behind Financial Decisions: The Implications of Theory for Practice
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)Financial decisions are compelled and constrained by non-financial factors. These include personality characteristics of individuals as well as the social environments in which decisions are made. This paper provides an ... -
Attitudes to Savings and Financial Education Among Low-Income Populations: Findings from the Financial Literacy Focus Groups
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)The University of Wisconsin‘s Financial Literacy Research Consortium (UW-FLRC) and Abt Associates, Inc., conducted 18 focus groups with mostly low-income individuals to explore how community-based organizations might ... -
Integrating Financial Capacity Building Into Public Programs
(Center for Financial Security, 2011) -
Building the Capacity of Human Service Providers to Deliver Financial Literacy to Domestic Violence Survivors
(Center for Financial Security, 2011) -
Defining the Role and Contributions of Social Workers in the Advancement of Economic Stability and Capability of Individuals, Families, and Communities
(Center for Financial Security, 2011) -
Harnessing the Power of Technology to Enhance Financial Literacy Education and Personal Financial Well-Being: A Review of the Literature, Proposed Model, and Action Agenda
(Center for Financial Security, 2010)The development and use of technology-based tools for financial literacy education has grown rapidly in recent years, often based on the presumption that digital media will enhance past practice. However, little attention ... -
Early-Life Schooling and Cognition and Late-Life Financial Literacy in the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study
(Center for Financial Security, 2011)Using the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, a sample of Wisconsin high school graduates from the class of 1957, we unpack the relationship between general human capital and late-life financial literacy. In short, we examine ...