Now showing items 7-26 of 69

    • Citizen Action and Environmental Law in the U.S. 

      Wilson, Shari L. (America House Kyiv, 2021-06-08)
      Did you know that rivers in the United States used to catch on fire as a result of pollution? Thanks to the work of passionate eco-activists and researchers across generations, we now know the how’s and why’s of cause, ...
    • Critical Food Pedagogy and Sustainable Development 

      O'Neil, Joy Kcenia; Lewis, Branden J. (Encyclopedia of Sustainability in Higher Education, Springer Nature, 2018-10-25)
      Food pedagogy is the fusion of food-related content and experiential process as one co-occurrence. Coupled with the critique of, and solutions to food related issues, society forms power relations that serve as the ...
    • Culinary Sustainability Education: A Culinary Education as Sustainability 

      Lewis, Branden J. (School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2020-05)
      Critics have observed that modern culinary education still adheres to the traditions that emerged during the feudal era as well as the modernist values of power, hierarchy, reductionism, and dualist worldviews. More ...
    • A Data-Driven Triple-Bottom-Line Sustainable Balanced-Reporting Framework for Small Municipalities 

      DeDeker, Daryl J. (School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2020-12)
      This study focused on cities in the United States with a population maximum of 75,000. The first phase consisted of a qualitative study of current reporting frameworks to identify the current landscape of sustainability ...
    • Deborah Chabi First Year Experience Concept Poster 6/2020 

      Chabi, Deborah (2020-06)
      This poster is a visual representation of some of the information I have learned in my transformative learning experience as a Doctoral Student in Educational Sustainability my first year. As a seasoned educator, mother, ...
    • Defying Gravity: An Affective Photovoice Lens on Transformative Sustainability Learning 

      Wahl, Kim (School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2020-05)
      The purpose of this study was to understand the learning experiences and the role of affect for students in a transformative sustainability education doctoral program. My research questions reflected the purpose of this ...
    • A Doctoral Student’s First-Year Experience Paves a Path to Activism 

      Hess, Gloria L. (2020-05)
      Although my decision to pursue an Ed.D. in Educational Sustainability was driven by an intention to change the world for the better in some small way, I began this doctoral journey with a lack of clarity of what that would ...
    • Ed. D. in Educational Sustainability First Year Experience Concept Poster 

      Reichertz Goetsch, Amanda (2020-06)
      This concept poster is a visual representation of my experience through year one of the Ed. D. in Educational Sustainability program at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. My journey began in the summer of 2019 at ...
    • Educational Contexts Reimagined 

      Goldberg, Sara J. (2020-06)
      Formal and informal educational contexts have the unique position of either perpetuating the status quo or pushing through boundaries that address the complexities of today in order to sustain tomorrow. In order to reimagine ...
    • Educational Sustainability: First Year Transformative Learning Experience of Ed.D Program 

      Huang, Katherine (2020-06)
      This concept poster depicts my 1st year Transformative learning experience as a Ed.D Educational Sustainability student. This poster documents the pivotal theories in sustainability and the urgency of agents of change in ...
    • Environmental Life Responsibility: Problem of Water Resource Rational Use 

      St Maurice, Henry; Cook, Perry A.; Sherlock, Wallace; Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources; Gromiko, Yuri (University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 1997-11-10)
      This live interactive teleconference on environmental education was organized as part of a cultural exchange between the University of Wisconsin System and the Russian Academy of Education. Perry Cook and Henry St Maurice ...
    • Equity in the Education of English Learners of Hmong Descent 

      Vang Yang, Xee (School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2020-05)
      This qualitative case study of a Hmong bilingual El program operating using the dual-language-immersion model in Paradigm 2.0 examined education of English learners of Hmong descent. I observed and interviewed seven educators ...
    • Exploring the Interplay: STEM Education, Sustainability Contexts, and Educator Competence in Systems Thinking 

      Cordaro, Jessica A (School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-07)
      Currently, STEM education and Education for Sustainability (EfS) are viewed as disconnected educational approaches in Pennsylvania classrooms. While both offer promising outcomes and have overlapping goals, research shows ...
    • Exploring Wellness Coaching for High-Stress Educators in Urban Public Schools 

      Benedith, Julia (School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2024-05)
      This was a study of wellness coaching in high-stress urban schools. I interviewed a purposive sample of coaches in edwell's program to ask whether they used their skills, perspectives and tools to foster educator wellness. ...

      Solinsky, Cynthia Diane (School of Education, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2021-12)
      This was a qualitative study of discourses and practices reported by a sample (n = 45) of self identified sustainable farmers in central Wisconsin. I collected survey data, conducted farm visits, interviews, and analyzed ...
    • Forestry Programs in the U.S. and Current Changes in Forestry Management 

      Wilson, Shari L. (Project Central, 2019-04-25)
      Forests hold a special place for most Belarusians as sources of food, fuel, material products, and respite from everyday life. This presentation, given in April 2019 to a class in forestry at the Belarusian State Technological ...
    • Global Citizenship Education in Rural Wisconsin Schools: Exploring Current Landscape & Opportunities For Expansion 

      Dresen, Chelsea Kay (School of Education, University of Wisconsin - Stevens Point, 2023-12)
      In this study I sought to explore the current state of global citizenship education in rural Wisconsin schools, including perceived benefits, barriers, successes, supports, and visions for the future, as well as opportunities ...
    • Greening Our Minds: Benefits of Nature for Health and Creativity 

      Wilson, Shari L. (Project Central, 2019-04-16)
      This presentation was delivered to psychology classes at Borys Grinchenko Kyiv University and V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University in Kyiv and Poltava, Ukraine, in April 2019. The presentation discusses the ...
    • Growing Relational Well-being 

      Reynolds, Desiree (2020-05)
      This concept poster represents the journey through my first year of the Ed.D. in Educational Sustainability at the University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point. This concept poster demonstrates my history in organizational ...
    • “Hey, That’s My Sandwich!”: Food Waste Recovery, Environmental Stewardship, and School Curriculum 

      Wilson, Shari L. (Solid Waste Association of North America, 2019-02-26)
      Over 3.5 years, more than 20 schools in the Kansas City, Missouri, region collected nearly a half ton of food and paper waste from their cafeterias for composting. This presentation, delivered at SWANA’s (a waste management ...