The Positive Effects of Art Therapy and Its Affect on the Brain
Art therapy involves most of ones, five sense. It involves, vision, touch, smell, and hearing. In addition it involves interactions with others and muscle movement. These things make art therapy very different from other types of therapy such as psychotherapy. This creates different resulting outcomes and also causes different neurological responses in the brain than other types of therapy. This study will show how art therapy differs from other therapies and exemplify affects of art therapy outcomes.
Visual Arts
Art Therapy
muscle movement
neurological response
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This paper examines various ways art therapy has been able to show how it can be beneficial for of treatment, especially for those with PTSD. It examines how the five senses coupled with muscle movement are used in conjunction with art therapy to provide outcomes for clients that are beneficial and different than can be accomplished through psychotherapy. There are three activities that are reviewed that exemplify this along with the observed results of how the clients reacted to the activities.