Now showing items 1-4 of 4

    • Constructing 4D Tops and Analyzing Reflexive Polygons 

      Magyar, Christopher; Syryczuk, Alexa (2014-04)
      String theory predicts that the universe has several extra dimensions, which have the structure of Calabi-Yau varieties. The universes are defined by these varieties, which are conjectured to occur in physically ...
    • Mirror Symmetry from Reflexive Polytopes 

      Magyar, Christopher; Whitcher, Ursula A. (2017-04-04)
      There are two main theories used by physicists to explain the inner workings of the universe. General relativity is used to describe the very large, while quantum mechanics describes the very small. For decades, physicists ...
    • Mirror Symmetry in Reflexive Polytopes 

      Magyar, Christopher (2015-04)
      There are always two Calabi-Yau varieties that produce a particular physical model. In mathematics we call this phenomenon mirror symmetry, the purpose of this study.
    • The Moduli Space of 3|2-dimensional Complex Associative Algebras 

      Ching, Ai Lie; Gonzales, Tyler; Keane, Grant; Magyar, Christopher; Wagner, Jory; Wu, Haotian; Penkava, Michael (2019-05)
      We study the moduli space of 3|2-dimensional complex associative algebras. We use extensions to compute the moduli space, and then give a decomposition of this moduli space into strata consisting of complex projective ...