Adapting Information Technology (IT) for Land Market Institutional Development: With Special Reference to Albania
Information technology (IT), which has developed so rapidly in recent years, offers large potential gains in the efficiency of the management of land information, a particularly attractive option for land market ?framing? entities which manage information about land. While this potential in land institutional development from IT is immense, one should also consider the complexity of the factors that influence whether IT becomes (or not) a valuable and useful tool. This paper presents an analysis of these factors, with a special reference to the Albanian Land Registration project. This analysis is followed by a set of recommendations for land information system designers, who intend to use IT to assist land market institutional development.
Land Tenure Center
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Permanent Link Material/Data
The Association of American Geographers, 96th Annual Meeting, 4-8 April 2000, Pittsburgh, PennsylvaniaType
Working Paper
12 p.