Now showing items 1-10 of 21
Toward Trauma Sensitive Practices in the Classroom: A Compassionate Teacher's Responsibility
Findings on the high prevalence of childhood trauma, the detrimental effects relating traumatic stress can have on school functioning, and resulting negative potential adult life outcomes presents a tremendously dire vision ...
Counseling practices of speech-language pathologists serving persons with aphasia: Examining training and preparedness within clinical practice
Purpose: This study examined Speech-Language Pathologists' (SLPs') perspectives on the counseling training they have received, and the counseling skills they are implementing into their practice with individuals with ...
Parent Perspectives on Family-Centered Care in Speech and Language Therapy Across Different Settings
The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in family-centered care (FCC) among speech and language pediatric therapy settings, including a university clinic setting. The logistics of speech and language therapy ...
"Aphasia people, they-I trust them": The concept of neighborhood at an aphasia camp -Contributions of the built environment, natural environment, and social environment
The current study focuses on the perceptions of people with aphasia at a weekend aphasia camp retreat and examines aspects of the environment that are important to campers, and how the environment may facilitate or hinder ...
Could I Be Human?
This creative thesis is a collection of thirty-one poems written primarily in the first-person, lyric mode. This collection displays a focus on craft, specifically precision of image and language, while both exploring the ...
Using Brief Experimental Analysis to Identify Effective Early Reading Interventions
The National Center for Educational Statistics in 2015 found that only thirty-six percent of fourth-grade and thirty-four percent of eighth-grade students performed at or above the proficient level in reading. These students ...
Comparing 2-D and 3-D Instructional Methods for Teaching Laryngeal Anatomy Concepts
The current study focused on the various ways undergraduate students learn laryngeal anatomy. The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of three different teaching modalities: 2-D images, 3-D models, and ...
The Good Behavior Game: Application in a Before School Childcare Setting
It is important to provide intervention for childhood problem behaviors in order to prevent more serious behaviors from developing. Non-classroom settings are environments in which problem behaviors tend to occur more ...
From Polish Jokes to Pulaski: Polish American Culture and Politics in Milwaukee, 1956-1978
By the 1950s, most Americans of Polish descent were one or more generations removed from the "old country." In the eyes of many Polish Americans, this posed a problem for maintaining Polish cultural identity. Polish ...
Off the Shelf: McIntyre Library Newsletter
(University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. McIntyre Library, 2018-03)