Now showing items 11-20 of 20
Cognitive and Language Characteristics of Adolescents with Asperger' s Syndrome: Two Case Studies Asperger's Syndrome: Two Case Studies
Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a well-known developmental disability within society, but the research describing the cognitive and linguistic characteristics is conflicting. The existing literature suggests heterogeneity of ...
PersonalQueerAcademic: Constructing a Queer Self across a Graduate Career through Reflective Narrative and Literary Criticism
What follows is a queer project, and there are many reasons for labeling it as such: 1) this project consists of a mixture of genres examining a variety of literary texts from various eras covering queer issues, 2) the ...
From Suicide, to Acceptance through Faith, and then, to Defiant Revolt: Existential Absurdism in Albert Camus' The Stranger
This thesis examines the three stages of resolving the Absurd in existential Absurdism highlighted by Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus in an attempt to find meaning in life. It argues that the narrator Meursault in ...
Off the Shelf: McIntyre Library Newsletter
(University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. McIntyre Library, 2013-04)
Combining Student Choice of Reading Passage with a Repeated Reading Intervention to Increase Oral Reading Fluency
Reading skills are critical to student success in school. Unfortunately, approximately I million children in the United States struggle with some aspect of reading during the first three years of school. Without appropriate ...
The Effectiveness of an Intervention Combination of Error Word Drill and Repeated Reading Using iPad Technology
As schools adopt a Response to Intervention (RtI) framework, research in education and school psychology has increased its focus on exploring interventions to help struggling readers remediate their skills. At the same ...
Off the Shelf: McIntyre Library Newsletter
(University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire. McIntyre Library, 2013-09)
Defining Academic Freedom: How Statewide Political Turmoil Shaped the Debate on Academic Freedom at the University of Wisconsin in 1910
This thesis revisits the events of 1910 spring semester at the University of Wisconsin detailed in "Sifting and Winnowing: A chapter in the History of Academic Freedom at the University of Wisconsin," about the famous ...
Using Lesson Study to Integrate Information Literacy Throughout the Curriculum
The purpose of this article is to describe the process of developing an information literacy curriculum for a cohort of students over a 5 semester nursing program using lesson study. The overall goal was to enable undergraduate ...
Revising the "One-Shot" through Lesson Study: Collaborating with Writing Faculty to Rebuild a Library Instruction Session
The one-shot library instruction session has long been a mainstay for many information literacy programs. Identifying realistic learning goals, integrating active learning techniques, and conducting meaningful assessment ...