Browsing UWEC McIntyre Library by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 193
Academic Screening in Middle School: How well do AIMSweb Measures of Oral Reading Fluency, and NWEA Measures of Academic Progress, Predict Future Performance on State Exams
(2019-11-21)The current study examined the diagnostic accuracy of two common screening assessments in reading, Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) and Reading-Curriculum Based Measurement (R-CBM), when used to predict end of the year ... -
Acceptable Activists, Absence, and Antifeminists : A Feminist Historical Critique of National Statuary Hall
(2023-05)In recent years, debates surrounding monuments and the messages they transmit through public space have exploded. A public, cultural conversation has emerged about monuments, collective memory, systemic racism, and societal ... -
An Adapted Great Leaps Reading Intervention's Influence on Letter Sound Fluency and Oral Reading Fluency
(2014-05-09)Early intervention for struggling readers is essential for developing fluency and more complex reading skills. One supplemental reading program that demonstrates research support is the Great Leaps Reading Program (Mercer ... -
Agreement Between Concurrent Operants Assessments and Indirect Measures of Behavior Functions in School Settings
(2018)Concurrent Operants (CO) Assessments are choice procedures where children's choices correspond to preferred forms of reinforcement (e.g., adult attention, escape from task demands). There is limited research on the use of ... -
The (American) Gothic and Jordan Peele's Get Out: An Affective Exploration
(2020-05)This essay functions as a Gothic-and race-based reader-response (or in this case “viewer-response”) analysis of Jordan Peele’s 2017 film Get Out . Throughout this essay, I — like critics before me — contend that (and convey ... -
Anticipated compliance and quality of life measures for individuals consuming thickened liquids: Perceptions of taste, texture, palatability, and enjoyment given beverage appearance
(2017-09-28)This study addressed: (a) effect appearance has on perceived taste, texture, palatability, and enjoyment of thickened liquids, (b) predicted effects of thickened liquids on compliance and quality of life based on duration ... -
"Aphasia people, they-I trust them": The concept of neighborhood at an aphasia camp -Contributions of the built environment, natural environment, and social environment
(2018)The current study focuses on the perceptions of people with aphasia at a weekend aphasia camp retreat and examines aspects of the environment that are important to campers, and how the environment may facilitate or hinder ... -
An Application of Brief Experimental Analysis Within a Conceptual and Procedural Framework with Math Fluency in Early Elementary Students
(2017-10-04)Proficiency in math is linked to opportunities for higher education and occupational success beyond high school. To date, many students struggle with math and educators need quick and effective approaches to assess and ... -
Associations Among Helicopter Parenting, Motivation, and Mindset
(University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire, 2021-11)Helicopter parenting, a type of overparenting, is a unique pattern of behaviors that typically includes excessive and developmentally inappropriate parental involvement. Rather than allow their child to embrace developmentally ... -
The Avholdsmann: The Life and Literature of Waldemar Ager, 1869-1941
(2015-05-11)As a young man, Waldemar Ager was one of countless immigrants who saw opportunity in the logging community of Eau Claire, Wisconsin, during the latter half of the nineteenth century. While many immigrants believed that the ... -
Boosting Classroom Management Strategies Through a Consultation-Based Intervention
(2018-01-22)The purpose of the study is to examine the relationship between a consultation- based classroom management intervention and teachers' use of classroom management skills and student behavior. A review of the literature ... -
Breaking the Enchantment
(2014-04-30)Fairy tales have a profound impact on little girls. They shape and often constrict girls' identities, gender constructs, sexuality, and futures. Additionally, the narrative content and history of fairy tales can be used ... -
Building Staff Morale and Creating a Positive Workplace
(2012)Libraries often have arbitrary divisions among staff members - librarians vs. paraprofessionals, technical services vs. public services, staff vs. students, etc. The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire's McIntyre Library ... -
Changing Places
(2023-05-08)This project is an examination, recognition, and celebration of the hard work it is to grow up in today’s world and become one’s own person. This is the first three chapters of a novel consisting of a series of young ... -
Chasing Her
(2020-02)This collection of poetry and discussion are representations of my experiences with and reflections on pregnancy, motherhood, miscarriage, and marriage within a feminist construct. The poems are written predominantly in ... -
Cognitive and Language Characteristics of Adolescents with Asperger' s Syndrome: Two Case Studies Asperger's Syndrome: Two Case Studies
(2013-04-10)Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a well-known developmental disability within society, but the research describing the cognitive and linguistic characteristics is conflicting. The existing literature suggests heterogeneity of ... -
Combining Student Choice of Reading Passage with a Repeated Reading Intervention to Increase Oral Reading Fluency
(2013-05-15)Reading skills are critical to student success in school. Unfortunately, approximately I million children in the United States struggle with some aspect of reading during the first three years of school. Without appropriate ... -
Communicating Farm Animal Welfare Science: Wisconsin Dairy Producers' Attitudes Toward and Interest in Dairy Cattle Welfare
(2013-12-15)Research in the field of farm animal welfare science provides the foundation for the farm animal welfare assessment criteria and legislation that has been developing over the past fifty years, especially in the EU, England, ... -
Comparing 2-D and 3-D Instructional Methods for Teaching Laryngeal Anatomy Concepts
(2018-05-01)The current study focused on the various ways undergraduate students learn laryngeal anatomy. The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of three different teaching modalities: 2-D images, 3-D models, and ... -
A Comparison of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Health of Elementary Students as Measured by the b.e.s.t. Screener: The Effects of the Addition of Restorative Practices to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
(2022-05)The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the addition of restorative practices to positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) on the social, emotional, and behavioral health of elementary students ...