Browsing UWEC McIntyre Library by Title
Now showing items 28-47 of 193
Dawn Powell's Heroines: Identity Construction and Performance in "Turn, Magic Wheel" and "A Time to Be Born"
(2012-12-12)Dawn Powell, a little-known American writer, has recently experienced a small revival, but the existing body of criticism lacks true substance and scholarship. Her works need to be reexamined, and this paper seeks to do ... -
Defining Academic Freedom: How Statewide Political Turmoil Shaped the Debate on Academic Freedom at the University of Wisconsin in 1910
(2013-05-10)This thesis revisits the events of 1910 spring semester at the University of Wisconsin detailed in "Sifting and Winnowing: A chapter in the History of Academic Freedom at the University of Wisconsin," about the famous ... -
Destination Collaboration: Do Students Increase Their Knowledge of Others Following an Interprofessional Learning Experience?
(2018-02-09)Collaboration among professionals of different backgrounds is required in several medical and social service fields. However, there is limited research about how to train undergraduate and graduate students in collaboration ... -
Diary of Newell Burch: How a Man of Resources Survived the Civil War and 21 Months as a Prisoner of War
(2017-10-19)This thesis is about Civil War veteran Newell Burch. During his time in the Civil War, that consisted of travels through Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. Burch documented his travels in a diary and memoir ... -
Disestablishment in Connecticut: 1816-1818
(2019-05)Disestablishment of the state and church in Connecticut proved to be rich in political and religious history. For years religious dissenters decried the forced support of religion in the state. As the Republican Party ... -
Do Labels Matter? Pre-service Teachers' Acceptability of the Daily Report Card for Students with and without Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
(2019-05)This study examined teacher acceptability of an evidence-based intervention (Daily Report Card; DRC) based on the presence or absence of the label of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder within a vignette describing a ... -
Does Responsive Classroom Experience Influence Teacher Beliefs about Social Emotional Learning?
(University of Wisconsin--Eau Claire, 2021-07)Previous research highlights the importance of training in Social Emotional Learning (SEL) practices for teacher commitment, efficacy, and fidelity with the implementation of teacher-directed SEL programs. Implementation ... -
Dominant Design : How the Ferguson System Revolutionized Mechanized Agriculture
(2015-12-15)This thesis examines the development of the three-point hitch system utilized on farm tractors, invented by Harry Ferguson of Ireland. Harry Ferguson partnered with Henry Ford to mass produce the farm tractor's first ... -
The Effect of Race Representation on Reading Comprehension
(2023-05)The achievement gap is still prevalent in that racial minority students, particularly Black students, tend to have lower grade point averages and test scores than their White peers. The current study examined the impact ... -
The Effectiveness of a Post-Secondary Readiness Intervention in Increasing Students' Academic Preparation Knowledge: Self Efficacy as a Predictive Factor
(2013-05-10)Students least likely to attend college are first-generation students, ethnic- minority students, and students from low socio-economic statuses (SES). Although there is an abundance of research indicating that adequate ... -
The Effectiveness of an Intervention Combination of Error Word Drill and Repeated Reading Using iPad Technology
(2013-04-26)As schools adopt a Response to Intervention (RtI) framework, research in education and school psychology has increased its focus on exploring interventions to help struggling readers remediate their skills. At the same ... -
Evaluating K-12 Pre-Service Educators' Understanding of Internalizing Behaviors
(2020-02-06)Children with internalizing disorders, specifically anxiety and depression, are at an increased risk for poor social and academic performance in school. Students spend a majority of their time at school, highlighting the ... -
Evaluating the Effects of a Six-Session Book Study on Educators’ Mindfulness Practices
(2021-05)Mindfulness-based practices have increasingly been implemented in schools in recent years. Research has reflected that mindfulness interventions may provide positive results for students (e.g., Schonert et al., 2015). ... -
The 'Evils' of Emma: Resistance to Conformity in Jane Austen's Emma
(1999-05)This thesis identifies and analyzes the ways in which Jane Austen's character of Emma resists social conformity throughout the novel Emma. Her resistance results in her ability to maintain control of her life and destiny ... -
Examining the Diagnostic Accuracy and Predictive Validity for FastBridge aReading and CBM-R on High Stakes State Tests
(2022-06)The current study examined the diagnostic accuracy of two common screening assessments in reading, FastBridge Adaptive Reading (aReading) and Curriculum Based Measurement of Oral Reading (CBM-R) when used to predict future ... -
Examining the Impact of a Recess Intervention: Effects of Physical Activity Levels, Enjoyment, and On-Task Behavior
(2018)Physical activity breaks throughout the school day have been associated with increased physical activity levels and on-task behavior in the classroom. Recess interventions have also been associated with increased physical ... -
Examining the Relationship Between Socioeconomic Status and Mental Health Needs and Treatment in an Urban, Suburban, and Rural Middle School Community Context
(2021-04)Student mental health needs are on the rise (Department of Education, 2019; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2016). The differences in rates of student of mental health needs and differences in barriers to ... -
Exploring the Therapy Experience of Adults Who Stutter as it Relates to Inclusion of Cognitive Therapy Components in Stuttering Therapy
(2021-05)In understanding the complexity of the experience of adults who stutter, it is essential to acknowledge that stuttering is present regardless of whether or not disfluencies are produced. Many adults who stutter often ... -
The Fledgling Führers : A Comparative Study of Interwar Fascist Movements in Britain and the U.S.
(2023-05)During the interwar period (1918-1939), Italy and Germany were not alone in their experimentation with fascism. In Britain and the United States, two lesser-known groups, the British Union of Fascists and the German American ...