Reading motivation : the effect of read alouds on children's motivation to read
The purpose of this Capstone project was to determine how reading aloud to primary aged
students influenced their motivation to read. Research was completed in the form of action
research involving reading aloud to five intact classrooms of students in first and second grade
and student participation in a follow up activity related to the book. The subjects of this case
study were 105 first and second grade students in a Midwestern town, all of whom participated
in the read alouds and activities in the Library Media Center. All students completed a pre- and
post-survey about their motivation to read and a group of 20 students were interviewed in more
depth. Throughout the study, in-class observational data was collected as well. From this data,the results of this study suggest that primary-aged students? reading motivation was positively influenced after the five month case study period.
Oral reading
Reading (Elementary)
Motivation in education
Instructional materials personnel
Permanent Link
Project Report
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