iOS deployment methods in Wisconsin K-12 schools
Wisconsin K-12 school districts are adopting iOS devices (iPad, iPod Touch, iPhone) to
address their technology needs. This study examines what general deployment methods are used
in conjunction with these devices. Forty-four participants from Wisconsin school districts
contributed data through an online survey, and in select cases a follow up interview, that
addressed various aspects of iOS device deployment. According to the data the iPad was the
most popular iOS device by a nearly 3:1 ratio. Additional findings suggest that school staff is
driving deployment, that the devices are being used in Special Education, and that management
issues are the most significant difficulty encountered. Recommendations for iOS device
deployment in K-12 are provided based on the findings of this study.
iPad (Computer)
iPod touch (Digital music player)
iPhone (Smartphone)
Educational technology
Computer-assisted instruction
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Project Report
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