Browsing UWEC Master’s Theses by Issue Date
Now showing items 1-20 of 128
The 'Evils' of Emma: Resistance to Conformity in Jane Austen's Emma
(1999-05)This thesis identifies and analyzes the ways in which Jane Austen's character of Emma resists social conformity throughout the novel Emma. Her resistance results in her ability to maintain control of her life and destiny ... -
Dawn Powell's Heroines: Identity Construction and Performance in "Turn, Magic Wheel" and "A Time to Be Born"
(2012-12-12)Dawn Powell, a little-known American writer, has recently experienced a small revival, but the existing body of criticism lacks true substance and scholarship. Her works need to be reexamined, and this paper seeks to do ... -
Cognitive and Language Characteristics of Adolescents with Asperger' s Syndrome: Two Case Studies Asperger's Syndrome: Two Case Studies
(2013-04-10)Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a well-known developmental disability within society, but the research describing the cognitive and linguistic characteristics is conflicting. The existing literature suggests heterogeneity of ... -
The Effectiveness of an Intervention Combination of Error Word Drill and Repeated Reading Using iPad Technology
(2013-04-26)As schools adopt a Response to Intervention (RtI) framework, research in education and school psychology has increased its focus on exploring interventions to help struggling readers remediate their skills. At the same ... -
Knowledge and Practice: Diagnosing and Treating Childhood Apraxia Speech
(2013-05-10)In the field of speech-language pathology, few topics are more controversial than childhood apraxia of speech (CAS). Because of the lack of agreement on diagnostic criteria and no standardized protocol for diagnosing, CAS ... -
Wisconsin Indian Head Country-A Guide to the Past: Real and Mythical
(2013-05-10)In the 1930s, businessmen in the Eau Claire area and resort owners in Northwestern Wisconsin, an area decimated by logging, collaborated as a group with the hope of promoting tourism to the area and boost the local economy. ... -
The Effectiveness of a Post-Secondary Readiness Intervention in Increasing Students' Academic Preparation Knowledge: Self Efficacy as a Predictive Factor
(2013-05-10)Students least likely to attend college are first-generation students, ethnic- minority students, and students from low socio-economic statuses (SES). Although there is an abundance of research indicating that adequate ... -
Defining Academic Freedom: How Statewide Political Turmoil Shaped the Debate on Academic Freedom at the University of Wisconsin in 1910
(2013-05-10)This thesis revisits the events of 1910 spring semester at the University of Wisconsin detailed in "Sifting and Winnowing: A chapter in the History of Academic Freedom at the University of Wisconsin," about the famous ... -
Combining Student Choice of Reading Passage with a Repeated Reading Intervention to Increase Oral Reading Fluency
(2013-05-15)Reading skills are critical to student success in school. Unfortunately, approximately I million children in the United States struggle with some aspect of reading during the first three years of school. Without appropriate ... -
Rise and Decline of the Family Farm in Central Southern Wisconsin: 1890-1990 A study of the economic, social, and political ramifications of the loss of family farms on the rural communities of Columbia and Dodge Counties, Wisconsin
(2013-06-13)The family farm in America is often referred to as the backbone of the Nation's identity. The number of active farms in Wisconsin has shrunk from a high in 1934 of 200,000 to the current number of less than 68,000 according ... -
PersonalQueerAcademic: Constructing a Queer Self across a Graduate Career through Reflective Narrative and Literary Criticism
(2013-06-24)What follows is a queer project, and there are many reasons for labeling it as such: 1) this project consists of a mixture of genres examining a variety of literary texts from various eras covering queer issues, 2) the ... -
"What You Need Not What You Want": Public Assistance Programs in Chippewa County during the New Deal Era
(2013-07-01)This thesis examines the impact of public assistance programs in Chippewa County. It examines the role the Social Security Act played in reshaping how public assistance programs were run in Chippewa County. Also it examines ... -
From Suicide, to Acceptance through Faith, and then, to Defiant Revolt: Existential Absurdism in Albert Camus' The Stranger
(2013-08-01)This thesis examines the three stages of resolving the Absurd in existential Absurdism highlighted by Albert Camus in The Myth of Sisyphus in an attempt to find meaning in life. It argues that the narrator Meursault in ... -
The Impact of Participation in Four Year Old Kindergarten on Future Literacy Skills
(2013-11-30)The current study examined the short and long-term associated impact of participation in a school district supported four-year-old kindergarten (4K) program on early literacy skills and reading acquisition. Over 1100 ... -
Off the Tracks! : Deadly Railway Accidents, Markets, and Morality, 1850-1893
(2013-12)This thesis explores railway accidents and safety from the 1850s through the Railway Safety Appliance Act of 1893. Historians have shown, through political, economic, and to some extent, legal examination, throughout much ... -
Survey of School Psychologists' Actual and Preferred Roles, and Job Satisfaction in Wisconsin
(2013-12-10)School psychologists try to balance between what school districts need, what they prefer to do, and what current initiatives suggest for practitioners. The purpose of this study was to survey school psychologists in ... -
Communicating Farm Animal Welfare Science: Wisconsin Dairy Producers' Attitudes Toward and Interest in Dairy Cattle Welfare
(2013-12-15)Research in the field of farm animal welfare science provides the foundation for the farm animal welfare assessment criteria and legislation that has been developing over the past fifty years, especially in the EU, England, ... -
Breaking the Enchantment
(2014-04-30)Fairy tales have a profound impact on little girls. They shape and often constrict girls' identities, gender constructs, sexuality, and futures. Additionally, the narrative content and history of fairy tales can be used ... -
"Let Them Eat Their Gold": Olin and Emma Swenson and the National Farmers Holiday Association, 1931-1934
(2014-05-01)The contributions of Olin and Emma Swenson to the National Farmers' Holiday Association (NFHA), through the incorporation into the movement of the farmers of the state of Wisconsin, were significant. The National Farmers' ... -
Relations Between Students' Perceptions of Teacher Feedback and Intelligence Beliefs
(2014-05-02)Research suggests that students who endorse malleable intelligence beliefs demonstrate higher achievement and more positive academic self-perceptions than students who endorse fixed intelligence beliefs. Research also ...