Browsing UWEC Master’s Theses by Title
Now showing items 13-32 of 128
Changing Places
(2023-05-08)This project is an examination, recognition, and celebration of the hard work it is to grow up in today’s world and become one’s own person. This is the first three chapters of a novel consisting of a series of young ... -
Chasing Her
(2020-02)This collection of poetry and discussion are representations of my experiences with and reflections on pregnancy, motherhood, miscarriage, and marriage within a feminist construct. The poems are written predominantly in ... -
Cognitive and Language Characteristics of Adolescents with Asperger' s Syndrome: Two Case Studies Asperger's Syndrome: Two Case Studies
(2013-04-10)Asperger Syndrome (AS) is a well-known developmental disability within society, but the research describing the cognitive and linguistic characteristics is conflicting. The existing literature suggests heterogeneity of ... -
Combining Student Choice of Reading Passage with a Repeated Reading Intervention to Increase Oral Reading Fluency
(2013-05-15)Reading skills are critical to student success in school. Unfortunately, approximately I million children in the United States struggle with some aspect of reading during the first three years of school. Without appropriate ... -
Communicating Farm Animal Welfare Science: Wisconsin Dairy Producers' Attitudes Toward and Interest in Dairy Cattle Welfare
(2013-12-15)Research in the field of farm animal welfare science provides the foundation for the farm animal welfare assessment criteria and legislation that has been developing over the past fifty years, especially in the EU, England, ... -
Comparing 2-D and 3-D Instructional Methods for Teaching Laryngeal Anatomy Concepts
(2018-05-01)The current study focused on the various ways undergraduate students learn laryngeal anatomy. The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of three different teaching modalities: 2-D images, 3-D models, and ... -
A Comparison of Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Health of Elementary Students as Measured by the b.e.s.t. Screener: The Effects of the Addition of Restorative Practices to Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports
(2022-05)The purpose of this study was to examine the effects of the addition of restorative practices to positive behavior interventions and supports (PBIS) on the social, emotional, and behavioral health of elementary students ... -
A Comparison of the Grade-Point-Average from Eighth to Ninth Grade for Students in General Education and Students with Disabilities
(2014-12-01)Researchers over the past three decades have found that students experience a variety of challenges when transitioning from eighth to ninth grade. The challenges include decreases in grades, attendance, and self-esteem. ... -
A Comparison of VCCC and WCCC for Students in a Montessori Setting
(2019-05)This study extended Skinner, Ford, and Yunker's (1991) study to investigate the effects of different methods of responding during Cover, Copy, Compare on math fact fluency development. An alternating treatments design was ... -
Comparisons of Clinical Self-Efficacy and Stigma Variance in Speech Language Pathologists Who Stutter and Do Not Stutter
(2018-05-11)Purpose: To evaluate clinical self-efficacy and stigma variance between practicing SLPs who stutter (SLPs-WS) and do not stutter (SLPs-WDS). Method: The modified SLP Clinical Self-Efficacy Inventory and the Self-Stigma of ... -
A Contested Past, a Therapeutic Present : The Italian Hall Memorial and Keweenaw National Historical Park, Calumet, Michigan
(2022-12)This thesis examines the Italian Hall Memorial and Keweenaw National Historical Park as a local commemorative space in Calumet, Michigan, and as a national component to memory studies and twentieth-century labor within the ... -
Cooperate, Read, Repeat: Maximizing Resources and Student Potential in Intervention
(2018-01-19)70% of fourth grade students in the United States are either at, or below the basic proficiency (NAEP, 2011). As support in the research literature for early intervention to prevent such outcomes continues burgeoning, it ... -
Could I Be Human?
(2018)This creative thesis is a collection of thirty-one poems written primarily in the first-person, lyric mode. This collection displays a focus on craft, specifically precision of image and language, while both exploring the ... -
Counseling practices of speech-language pathologists serving persons with aphasia: Examining training and preparedness within clinical practice
(2018-12)Purpose: This study examined Speech-Language Pathologists' (SLPs') perspectives on the counseling training they have received, and the counseling skills they are implementing into their practice with individuals with ... -
Dawn Powell's Heroines: Identity Construction and Performance in "Turn, Magic Wheel" and "A Time to Be Born"
(2012-12-12)Dawn Powell, a little-known American writer, has recently experienced a small revival, but the existing body of criticism lacks true substance and scholarship. Her works need to be reexamined, and this paper seeks to do ... -
Defining Academic Freedom: How Statewide Political Turmoil Shaped the Debate on Academic Freedom at the University of Wisconsin in 1910
(2013-05-10)This thesis revisits the events of 1910 spring semester at the University of Wisconsin detailed in "Sifting and Winnowing: A chapter in the History of Academic Freedom at the University of Wisconsin," about the famous ... -
Destination Collaboration: Do Students Increase Their Knowledge of Others Following an Interprofessional Learning Experience?
(2018-02-09)Collaboration among professionals of different backgrounds is required in several medical and social service fields. However, there is limited research about how to train undergraduate and graduate students in collaboration ... -
Diary of Newell Burch: How a Man of Resources Survived the Civil War and 21 Months as a Prisoner of War
(2017-10-19)This thesis is about Civil War veteran Newell Burch. During his time in the Civil War, that consisted of travels through Fredericksburg, Chancellorsville, and Gettysburg. Burch documented his travels in a diary and memoir ... -
Disestablishment in Connecticut: 1816-1818
(2019-05)Disestablishment of the state and church in Connecticut proved to be rich in political and religious history. For years religious dissenters decried the forced support of religion in the state. As the Republican Party ... -
Do Labels Matter? Pre-service Teachers' Acceptability of the Daily Report Card for Students with and without Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
(2019-05)This study examined teacher acceptability of an evidence-based intervention (Daily Report Card; DRC) based on the presence or absence of the label of Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder within a vignette describing a ...