Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Realizing the American Dream: Parent Involvement and Racial Identity Development as It Correlates to Academic Achievement
Students of color in America are failing to meet state academic standards at historic rates. This issue has recently gained significant attention due to what is being referred to as the achievement gap. Based on the No ...
Student Attitude and Motivation Regarding Testing at Hermantown High School
School districts all over the country use some sort of, if not several, standardized type tests to evaluate either the performance of its students, the district, its teachers, or all three. Sometimes these tests are state ...
Spelling Programs: Basal Spelling, StoryTown, As Compared To Developmental Spelling, Words Their Way
This study used historical data from a northern Minnesota first grade classroom that used two instructional programs, StoryTown and Words Their Way. The data, determined as pre- and post- test data, that was collected ...