Now showing items 1-17 of 17

    • 21st century workforce development summit 

      Adams, Teresa M.; Toledo-Duran, Edwin Josue; Wittwer, Ernie F. (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2009-09)
      The transportation workforce will be facing severe strains over the next decade as the baby boom generation begins to retire. These strains will be made worse by the relatively small numbers of workers entering the ...
    • 3D design terrain models for construction plans and GPS control of highway construction equipment 

      Hanna, Awad; Hintz, Cassie; Vonderohe, Alan (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2010-03)
      Use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology to guide earth-moving equipment is quickly becoming common place in transportation facilities construction because it speeds project delivery and cuts costs. A requirement ...
    • Analyzing log and chip truck performances in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan with GPS tracking devices 

      Vartiainen, Janne; Ogard, Libby; Stewart, Richard; Pouryousef, Hamed; Lautala, Pasi (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2008)
      Rising fuel costs are expected to increase truck rates by 10 to 30 percent over the next two years. Many of the products shipped in this region are heavy, bulk, and raw materials such as logs that benefit from economies ...
    • Assessment of biodiesel scenarios for Midwest freight transport emission reduction 

      Meier, Paul; Holloway, Tracey A.; Sauthoff, Anjali P. (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2010-04)
      There are trade-offs when attempting to reduce both greenhouse gas and criteria air pollutants for freight transport, as the control strategies are not necessarily complimentary. While emission controls can remove ozone ...
    • Compass 2007 data analysis and reporting - operational report 

      Juni, Emil; Adams, Teresa M. (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2008-12)
      The Compass program collects rating data each year to help the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) understand current infrastructure conditions and trends. The data also helps WisDOT managers set reasonable ...
    • Containerization policy: considering increased load weight for certain circumstances of freight in Wisconsin 

      Bittner, Jason; Schilling, Martin; Adams, Teresa M. (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2009-06)
      Many businesses in Wisconsin export their goods throughout the world. An efficient way of doing business internationally is through containerized shipments. This research discovered that Wisconsin?s weight laws for ...
    • Develop an asset management tool for collecting and tracking commitments on selected environmental mitigation features 

      Adams, Teresa M.; Cook, Stacy; Bittner, Jason (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2009-09)
      Wisconsin has constructed many environmental mitigation projects in conjunction with transportation projects that have been implemented according to the National Environmental Policy Act. Other mitigation projects have ...
    • Implementation of GPS controlled highway construction equipment - phase II 

      Vonderohe, Alan (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2008-01)
      During 2006, WisDOT and the Construction Materials and Support Center at UW-Madison worked together to develop a specification and QC/QA procedures for GPS machine guidance on highway construction grading operations. These ...
    • Implementation of GPS controlled highway construction equipment - phase III 

      Vonderohe, Alan (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2009-02)
      Beginning in 2006, WisDOT and the Construction Material and Support Center (CMSC) at UW-Madison worked together to develop the specifications and the QA/QC procedures for GPS machine guidance on highway grading projects. ...
    • Low cost strategies to increase truck parking in Wisconsin 

      Ogard, Libby; Wang, Bruce; Srivastava, Praveen; Adams, Teresa M. (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2009-09)
      This report documents a study of truck parking issues along the major state highways in Wisconsin. The effort builds upon another project at the National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education (CFIRE) ...
    • Operational resiliency of Beloit-Hudson interstate highway corridor 

      Adams, Teresa M.; Bier, Vicki; Bekkem, Kaushik (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2010-05)
      This research identified the top 10 high-risk (low operational resilience) segments along the I-90/94 Interstate Highway Corridor from Hudson to Beloit, Wisconsin. Resiliency in this project is a function of the vulnerability, ...
    • Origin-destination table disaggregation using fratar biproportional least squares estimation 

      Horowitz, Alan J. (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2009-02)
      This paper describes a group of techniques for disaggregating origin-destination tables for travel forecasting that makes explicit use of observed traffic on a network. Five models within the group are presented, each of ...
    • Policy issues in cruise line operations on the Great Lakes 

      Stewart, Richard (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2011-10)
      The worldwide cruise industry has seen remarkable growth since the 1970s. Cruising on the Great Lakes, however, has been somewhat sporadic and is far from reaching full market potential. The Great Lakes is a cruise region ...
    • Reconstruction of railroads and highways with in-situ reclamation materials 

      Edil, Tuncer; Tinjum, James; Ebrahimi, Ali (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2011-03)
      The resilient modulus and plastic deformation of recycled roadway materials with and without fly ash stabilization were characterized using a large-scale model experiment (LSME). Stabilization of recycled pavement materials ...
    • Statistical analysis of heavy truck loads using Wisconsin weigh-in-motion data 

      Zhao, Jian; Tabatabai, Habib; Lee, Chin-Wei (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2009-09)
      This study involved statistical evaluation of heavy truck loads that were recorded in 2007 using Weigh-In-Motion stations located throughout the State of Wisconsin. The heaviest 5% of all trucks in each class and axle ...
    • Understanding freight-built environment interrelationships 

      Miodonski, Dan; Sherburn, Sarah; Rashidi, Laya; Dirks, Lise; Sriraj, P.S.; Thakuriah, Piyushimita (Vonu); Kawamura, Kazuya (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2011-08)
      This research will carry out the in-depth examination of, using both quantative and qualative techniques, the effects of land use on freight transportation and vice-versa to: expand the understainding of the full impacts ...
    • Wisconsin truck size and weight study 

      Wittwer, Ernie F.; Bittner, Jason; Adams, Teresa M. (National Center for Freight and Infrastructure Research and Education, 2009-06)
      The Wisconsin 2007 Assembly Bill 238 requires the Wisconsin Department of Transportation to conduct a comprehensive study to review the system of motor vehicle weight limits on Wisconsin's highways and bridges. Laws regarding ...