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dc.contributor.advisorWolfgram, Susan M.en
dc.contributor.authorEmerson, Christopher.
dc.contributor.authorFankhauser, Amanda.
dc.description.abstractThis study used survey research to capture the attitudes of 25 Midwestern university students on waiting until after college graduation to get married. Results indicate that participants feel that waiting until after college graduation to get married would lead to a more successful marriage. Results also indicated that students believe a higher education can lead to increased employment opportunities and financial stability and that the older a person marries the less likely they will get divorced. It is hoped that this information is utilized to help educate young adults on the benefits of waiting until later in life to get married. This study enhances the knowledge base on the attitudes of young adults and marriage. The next step in research could be to compare the sexes to ascertain any gender differences.en
dc.rightsAll rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the permission of the University of Wisconsin-Stout.en
dc.subject.lcshCareer development--United States--Public opinion
dc.subject.lcshMarriage--United States--Public opinion
dc.subject.lcshCollege students--United States--Attitudes
dc.titleWaiting until after college graduation to marryen

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