Synchrotron Radiation Center Documents
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Synchrotron Radiation Center Documents: Technical Reports
SRC Technical Notes are informal memos intended for internal communication and documentation of work in progress. These notes are not necessarily definitive and have not undergone a pre-publication review. If you rely on ...
Recent Submissions
Multipole specifications for insertion devices in LF15
(2005-04-26)Imperfections in the magnetic field of an insertion device affect the electron storage ring, thereby impacting the users of all beamlines. To minimize adverse effects, the manufacturer is required to meet ... -
Longitudinal wake of a suddenly accelerated electron bunch
(2007-02-23)We consider the longitudinal wake of an electron bunch that is suddenly accelerated. This wake approximates the edge-radiation wake of an electron exiting a bending magnet, the wake of an ... -
Off-energy injection of Aladdin
(2007-07-19)Injection of the Aladdin 800-MeV electron storage ring is performed at a low ring energy of 108 MeV, where the stacking time period of 0.8 s is much smaller than the radiation damping time. Electrons are ... -
Two-stage bunch compression with resistive impedance approximation of coherent synchrotron radiation
(2007-06-08)Two-stage bunch compression, where each stage compresses a chirped beam in a magnetic chicane, may be utilized in the design of a driver for a free-electron laser (FEL). For the high currents required of an ... -
Dynamic aperture of Aladdin
(2000-01-06) -
As Built Tech Note for Pole Tip Steering Coils
(2006-11-07) -
Partial design of a 980-MeV Energy Recovery Linac (ERL)
(2006-12-06)We describe the partial design of a 980-MeV energy recovery linac (ERL) with radiofrequency (RF) of 1.5 GHz. We model the linac, recirculation arcs, beam spreader/combiner, and beam compression. The electron gun, gunline, ... -
Longitudinal broadband impedance of the Aladdin vacuum chamber and new dipole chamber design
(2004-06-30)An estimate of the longitudinal broadband impedance is obtained by summing estimated impedance contributions from the radiofrequency (RF) cavities, bellows, beam position monitors, Q electrode, vacuum chamber transitions, ... -
Instabilities driven by higher-order modes in an RF system with a passive higher harmonic cavity
(2004-10-14)A passive higher-harmonic cavity may be used to suppress parasitic longitudinal coupled-bunch instabilities. Our analytic modeling already predicts whether a parasitic higher-order mode (HOM) will cause longitudinal ... -
Instability modeling for passive harmonic-cavity operation at MAXlab
(2004-03-26)Instability modeling is performed for passive harmonic-cavity operation at MAXlab. For the MAX-II 1.5 GeV ring, we consider the 100-MHz/500-MHz RF system now being constructed with three fundamental cavities and one harmonic ... -
A 2.1-GeV ring design for SRC
(2004-10-14)A design for a twelve-sided 2.1-GeV electron storage ring is obtained. The design utilizes the combined-function magnet approach of the Max-IV design for 1.5-GeV and 3-GeV rings. The 2.1-GeV ring has an emittance of 1.5 ... -
Modeling of a passive fourth harmonic cavity for the Hefei Light Source upgrade HLSII
(2010-02-01)The use of a fourth-harmonic cavity is studied for the planned upgrade of the 800-MeV Hefei Light Source HLSII. Analytic modeling and simulations indicate that such a cavity can successfully suppress parasitic coupled bunch ... -
Bisognano Shutdown Comments
(2011)Comments by Joseph Bisognano, Director of the Synchrotron Radiation Center, on NSF's decision to cut funding for the SRC in 2011. -
Terminations, Reductions, and Savings
(2011)Copy of Terminations, Reductions, and Savings from the Fiscal Year 2012 United States Budget. The item terminating the Synchrotron Radiation Center is on page 74. -
MURA Poster
(2011-05-31)Image of map showing the locations of the universities in the Midwestern Universities Research Association group (MURA). -
Synchrotron Radiation Center newsletter
(1984-05-01)May 1, 1984 issue of a newsletter from the Synchrotron Radiation Center. -
Synchrotron Radiation Center newsletter
(1983-12-22)December 22, 1983 issue of a newsletter from the Synchrotron Radiation Center. -
Aladdin Update
(1983-01)January 1983 issue of Aladdin Update newsletter from the Synchrotron Radiation Center. -
Aladdin Project - Notes to Interested Bystanders - IV
(1979-05)May 1979 issue of Aladdin project newsletter from the Synchrotron Radiation Center. -
Aladdin Project - Notes to Interested Bystanders - III
(1978-10)October 1978 issue of Aladdin project newsletter from the Synchrotron Radiation Center.