Spring thaw
Artist's statement: "Spring Thaw, released in 1991, includes a stunning piano solo (the title cut), continuing the 'journal in song' begun on the first album. This cassette recording represents a delightful mix of sensitivity and sadness, humor and outrage."--Phyllis Goldin.
Popular music
Popular music--1991-2000
Piano music
Piano compositions
Permanent Link
Recording, musical
Audio files containing 13 tracks of pieces composed and performed by Phyllis Goldin. Wanda Brown provides the vocal harmonies. Engineered and recorded by Brad Stokes, The Tracking Station, Richard Grossman, Studio C, Minneapolis, MN. This digital version of the original cassette recording was created by Nick Dangeur, UWRF Television & Video Service in 2010. Album cover art, lyrics and table of contents are available as the attached PDF file. Table of Contents: Spring thaw (5:01) -- I fell for grace (3:03) -- It could have been to India (3:16) -- Mail the key (1:58) -- All the little glorias (3:16) -- Checkpoint Charlie (1:10) -- Not foreverglades (2:23) -- Dear Bill (3:22) -- Speed of life (3:18) -- This isn't my party (2:46) -- The bomb belongs to me (1:40) -- Twenty seconds on high (2:42) -- Reunion (3:25).
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