Browsing UW-Madison Department of Geography Master's Theses by Title
Now showing items 30-49 of 104
A General Framework for Predicting the Optimal Computing Configurations for Climate-Driven Ecological Forecasting Models
(2017-04)Rapidly growing databases are swiftly transforming the field of biodiversity modeling into a big-data science, characterized by high volume, heterogeneous datasets with high uncertainty. As climate warming and land use ... -
Historical Floodplain Sedimentation Along the Upper Mississippi River, Pool 11
(2005)Many of the ecologically rich aquatic habitats created by the construction of locks and dams on the upper Mississippi River are now disappearing as a result of increased sedimentation. Sub-aqueous sediment cores were ... -
History In The Margins: Ecotonal Dynamics and Abrupt Vegetation Change In Holocene Lower Michigan
(2023)Abrupt changes in ecological systems are expected to become more frequent in the near future, as a result of on-going climate change and increases in both the frequency and intensity of disturbance and extreme climate ... -
How Japanese American Gardeners Shaped an Internment Camp Landscape: a Soil Chemistry and Archival Analysis
(2012)This thesis explores the soil of a Japanese American internment camp, how internees changed it, and why. In acknowledging soil as a force in shaping events in camp and as artifact changed by them, I add new elements to ... -
How Technological Changes Aesthetically Defined Pre-1900s Maps: A Stylistic Look at Woodblock, Copperplate & Lithograph Print Maps
(2014)Today's heavily automated cartographic production calls for the need to ask the question: How does one combine objectivity, empirics, science, and aesthetics into design decisions to create a map product with a distinct ... -
How to Play With Maps
(2018)The research reported here responds to the growing calls in cartography to integrate elements of play and games into mapping products and process. Specifically, I investigated video game maps as a case study for enriching ... -
Human Movement Patterns of Different Racial-Ethnic and Economic Groups in U.S. Top 50 Cities: What Can Social Media Tell Us About Segregation?
(2019)Human movement patterns, one of the important fields in human mobility study, is significant for various practical applications, and many studies have proven that it is strongly impacted by individual socioeconomic and ... -
Hydraulic and Geomorphic Impacts of Dam Removal on the Upper Baraboo River, Wisconsin
(2010)Over time, human interaction with space and place has led to shifts in cultural dominance and modes of subsistence. Societies depend on the access to particular natural resources for subsistence, mainly soil, water and ... -
Ice Age Mapping as a Case Study: Interactive Cartography and Big Open Data in Paleoecology
(2020)Online interactive mapping interfaces are valuable tools in paleoecological and global change research, because these maps demonstrate key ecological concepts such as species moving through time and space and the effects ... -
Impact of Time Step On the Results of a Fully-Distributed Watershed Model for Scenario Analysis
(2019)Major storms are significant drivers of runoff from agricultural areas, which implies that modeling watershed processes at smaller time steps, such as hourly versus daily, will allow such effects to be expressed in a ... -
Implementation of Agrarian Reform in North Sumatra, Indonesia: the Productiveness of Institutional Fragmentation
(2018)Over the past few years, the Government of Indonesia has set out to implement an ambitious goal of formally changing land tenure arrangements on over 20 million hectares of land across the country. With the official intention ... -
Implementing CAMPFIRE as a Sustainable Land-use Strategy: an Cultural-Historical Analysis of Wildlife in Zimbabwe's Communal Lands
(1998)This thesis addresses the concept of CAMPFIRE, the acronym for Communal Areas Management Program for Indigenous Resources, as a sustainable land-use option in Zimbabwe's ecologically marginal Communal Lands, and in so doing ... -
The Implications of Interactions Among Environmental Rehabilitation, Social Safety Net and Microfinance Programs to Resource Access and Vulnerability in Tigray, Ethiopia
(2012)The current study will examine implementation of the Food Security Program in Ethiopia as an integrated approach to poverty alleviation which includes development trends to understand how they interact in practice for a ... -
The Influence of Climate, Cattle Density and Lake Morphology on Sporormiella Abundances in Modern Lake Sediments in the U.S. Great Plains
(2011)Sporormiella, a genus of coprophilous fungus, is increasingly used as a qualitative proxy for megafaunal density. Decreased spore abundances in late-Pleistocene and Holocene sediments are thought to signal prehistoric ... -
Integrating Artificial Intelligence in Cartography: Using Deep Learning for Map Style Transfer and Map Generalization
(2020)Maps have always been considered as a combination of science and art. Following a set of stylistic design criteria that integrates human creativity, perception, and experience, cartographers are able to produce unique map ... -
Investigating Successional Dynamics in Naturally-Regenerated Tropical Forests of Puerto Rico: Testing and Learning from a Chronosequence Approach
(2014)Globally, naturally‐regenerated secondary forests account for 57% of total forest cover, with most regrowth occurring on former pasture and cropland. These anthropogenic forests may provide important ecosystem goods and ... -
Irrigation and Landscape Change in Colorado's Grand Valley: 1880-1920
(2011)Irrigation shapes people and land in the American West. By people I mean the social relations that develop as a result of competition and cooperation for land and water, and the technical knowledge required to manage these ... -
Jachymov: Heaven or Hell?: Contrasting Historical Narratives about Jachymov, Czech Republic and its Radioactive Elements
(2012)The small town of Jachymov, Czech Republic is nestled in the Krusne Hory, which is literally translated from Czech to English as the "Cruel Mountains", but known in English as the Ore Mountains. The town is located in the ... -
The Katrina Moment: Rethinking Disaster with Black Geographies
(2021)Prelude: I spent two years working in homeless services in Los Angeles after graduating from college in 2016, matching unhoused individuals to long-term housing opportunities, supporting outreach, ...