The Evolution of the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
In 2008, construction will begin on the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery. These twin centers -- the private Morgridge Institute for Research (MIR) and the public Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (WID) -- will serve as a hub for interdisciplinary research on the UW-Madison campus.
For instance, WID will facilitate research and learning in the biological sciences by engaging a diversity of researchers from across the campus in an interdisciplinary, collaborative environment. Ultimately, the institute will produce scientific advances that can be translated into biomedical and related applications.
As WID Interim Director, Marsha Mailick Seltzer has been highly involved in the development of both WID and MIR. Join her for a discussion of the fundamental questions and issues that planners have encountered throughout this process. Topics will include public-private partnerships, public service and outreach, relationships with industrial and investment communities, undergraduate experiences, space and architecture, urban design, and others.
Teaching and Learning
Entrepeneurial University
Outreach, Engagement, and the Public Good
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