Burial practices of the Tiwanaku : a comparative analysis of skeletal remains from Cochabamba, Bolivia
During the summer of 2007, The University of Wisconsin -La Crosse conducted an archaeological field school at the site of Pirque Alto near Cochabamba, Bolivia. Among the many discoveries was the uncovering of a skeleton showing possible evidence of Tiwanaku influence. The burial contained the remains of a young child in conjunction with a ceramic vessel thought to be an offering; however, the age and cultural influences associated with the burial are unknown. These intriguing remains brought forth many questions; who was this person, how long ago did they live, and what was their life like? I attempt to answer these questions while further investigating the Pirque Alto burial and the Tiwanaku culture through literary review, including past archaeological reports, and analysis of the skeletal remains via photographs and field notes. This research will contribute to the studies and debates of Tiwanaku influence in Cochabamba as well as supplement information known about Tiwanaku burials.
Human remains (Archaeology) -- Bolivia -- Cochabamba
Burial -- Bolivia -- Cochabamba
Tiwanaku culture
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