Browsing UW Geography Undergraduate Colloquium by Title
Now showing items 75-94 of 146
Madison State of Mind: Demographics and Urban Form on State Street
(2013-12)The 500 block of State Street, in downtown Madison, Wisconsin, is currently undergoing a radical landscape change through the construction of a new high rise apartment complex called ?The Hub?. This study seeks to discover ... -
Madison's Fast Track? The Impacts of a Light Rail Transit System on Property Value in the Madison Area
(2009-12)Because there does appear to be a link between property value and proximity to the rail, we will study the different variables that influence change. It is important to understand this change because property value is ... -
Madison's Urban Fire Regime
(2013-12)This research looks at documented major fire incidents from 1855 to the present day, Madison, Wisconsin. It draws mostly upon primary sources including fire marshall reports, newspaper articles, and interviews from first ... -
Management of Human Impacts on the Natural Environment at Devil’s Lake State Park, WI
(2019)The presented paper explores: How do Parks, specifically Devil’s Lake State Park, balance visitor impacts with conservation goals, to mitigate prevalent environmental consequences from visitor activities/presence? Under ... -
The Medieval Copies of Claudius Ptolemy’s Maps: A Semiotic Analysis
(2020-12-14)Cartography is an inherently iterative field in which the works of the past often influence the works of the present. This study investigates the ways in which Claudius Ptolemy’s maps influenced European map making upon ... -
Microbreweries and Culture in the Greater Madison Area
(2009-12-17)In this study, we investigate how microbreweries serve a part of that neolocal ethic of the Madison area as they reflect and shape local meanings and attachments to place through experience and symbolism. People yearn for ... -
Microbreweries and Place Marketing -? Madison, WI
(2014-12)Microbreweries have established themselves as providers of unique, high-quality beer in what has become a flourishing niche in the beer market. Over the course of recent decades they have set themselves apart from the mass ... -
Military vs. Civilian Senses of Place
(2019)Individuals affiliated with the military often move frequently compared to civilians. This paper aims to address if moving frequently affects affiliated military members’ sense of place compared to civilians who often move ... -
Milling the Future: Sustainable Forestry and Sawmill Operations in Northern Wisconsin
(2010-12)The logging and sawmill industries have played a crucial role in shaping the landscape, economy, and culture of northern Wisconsin. They proved to be an influential force behind the foundation of Wisconsin, influencing the ... -
Milwaukee's History of Segregation and Development: a Biography of Four Neighborhoods
(2016)Today, Milwaukee, Wisconsin is the most highly segregated city in the United States. Though many try to pinpoint who or what to blame, one cannot understand Milwaukee’s current or future without understanding the cities ... -
Mobile Foodscapes: a Case Study of Food Carts on Madison's Isthmus
(2012-12)Our research investigates the food cart scene on Madison's Isthmus. City policies and regulations focus the density of food carts on Library Mall on the UW-Madison campus; however we emphasize in our narrative the social ... -
Norwegian-American Cultural Landscapes in Dane County, Wisconsin: Changes through Time
(2010-12-14)Norwegian immigration to Dane County, Wisconsin began in the 1840s because of land availability and economic opportunities and accelerated by the 1870s, due to demographic changes. Norwegian immigrants formed communities ... -
Observing State Street as the Axis between Knowledge and Leadership: How the Insertion of Luxury High Rises has Influenced the Character of Madison’s Urban Core
(2020-12-14)The past two decades have brought more change to university towns than any period seen before. Our research directly examines the impacts that student-oriented luxury high rises have on the character of the Greater State ... -
Online Communities: Interactions and PlaceMaking in a Virtual Environment
(2014-12)We are studying placemaking online and how and why people participate in these communities. In our literature review we focus on the unique aspects of virtual space such as the varying degrees of anonymity, the disjoint ... -
Out of the Loop: Transit Deserts, Health and Well-Being in Chicago
(2017)This project explores access to public transportation in the city of Chicago through the Chicago Transit Authority’s light-rail train network, referred to as the ‘L’. Using this network, we investigated the correlation ... -
Past, Present and Future Development of James Madison Park
(2018)This case study examines the redevelopment process of James Madison Park by asking two questions: (1) How has James Madison Park changed through time and why? and (2) What populations are best served and not served by ... -
People, Parks and Places: an Analysis of Green Spaces in Madison Through Sentiment Mapping
(2018)This paper examines the role of parks and green spaces in creating social interaction and strengthening community ties. How park structure, both physical and institutional influence sentiments and the use of the spaces, ... -
Perceptions and Possibilities: Renewable Energy on the UW-Madison Campus
(2017)This study examined the perceptions and possibilities of future renewable energy utilization on the University of Wisconsin-Madison campus to determine the realistic future of implementation. We accomplished this through ... -
Perceptions of Safety at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
(2020-12-14)We investigated patterns in the perceptions of safety among various demographic groups for undergraduate students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. We collected heat map data and qualitative responses from 62 students ... -
Permanent Public Art in Madison
(2016-06-16)Where is the public art in Madison and who is served by it? We catalogued, photographed, and geotagged 81 permanent, publicly owned, outdoor artworks in Madison, creating a GIS layer from their locations and other ...