Consumerism in the late eighteenth century : the treatment of disposed tobacco pipes from the Mount Pleasant Site (46JF215) Jefferson County, West Virginia
Excavations at historic sites often result in the recovery of an abundance of white clay tobacco pipe fragments. There are several theories that explain why large quantities of stem fragments are recovered from sites, however, no systematic studies have been done to evaluate these theories. The 1999 cultural resources field investigation in Jefferson County, West Virginia uncovered a rural homestead, the Mount Pleasant Site (46JF215), as well as an artifact assemblage that includes 171 pipe bowl fragments and 396 stem fragments. To determine if there are patterns that explain how pipe stems were broken, the stem fragments from the site were measured, then compiled in Microsoft Excel?, and statistically analyzed. Pipe stem breakage experiments were conducted on historic reproduction clay pipes to compare to the data of the site. The stem fragments from the experiments were then measured, compiled in Microsoft Access?, and statistically analyzed. The results of the statistical analysis from the Mount Pleasant pipes and the experimental pipes conclude that while pipe stems are liable to accidental breaking, the intentional breaking of stem fragments can be identified by lip and corresponding lip scar breakage patterns which are present in the Mount Pleasant pipe assemblage.
Clay tobacco pipes -- West Virginia -- Jefferson County
Mount Pleasant Site (Mount Pleasant, W. Va.)
Jefferson County (W. Va.) -- Antiquities
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