Browsing La Follette School Workshop Reports by Title
Now showing items 74-93 of 105
Racial Disproportionality in Wisconsin's Child Welfare System
(2009)This report examines disproportionality of African American and American Indian children in Wisconsin?s child welfare system. The authors review data, research on theories of racial disproportionality in the child welfare ... -
Raising the Bar: Refocused Indicators for U.S. Government Assistance to Pakistan
(2011)This report analyzes the effectiveness of U.S. government aid to Pakistan in the wake of the 2009 Enhanced Partnership with Pakistan Act. It examines the U.S. government?s goals in Pakistan and proposes 23 indicators to ... -
Reducing Sexual Harassment and Gender Discrimination: Recommendations for the Mexico City Police Department
(2005)To reduce sexual and gender discrimination, the Mexico City Policy Department could strengthen existing enforcement mechanisms, establish a legitimate external oversight body and encourage creation of female support networks, ... -
Residential Sewer Lateral Maintenance Program Analysis for the City of Milwaukee
(2010)This report analyzes programs that would encourage residential property owners to maintain private sanitary sewer laterals in the City of Milwaukee. The authors recommend implementing a citywide insurance program to give ... -
Resource Disputes in South Asia: Water Scarcity and the Potential for Interstate Conflict
(2009)This report explores the role of water shortages related to transboundary rivers in interstate disputes in South Asia. The report analyzes the history and status of disputes, looking at the relationships between India and ... -
Retirement Benefits and Unemployment Insurance: What Creating Offsets for Social Security Retired-Worker Benefits Would Mean for Trust Fund Balances and Older Workers
(2007)In response to the strain on Unemployment Insurance (UI) systems during the economic recession of 1973-1975, some states began reducing an otherwise eligible worker?s UI benefits if that worker was simultaneously receiving ... -
Retirement Income Security: Hybrid Pension Plans Merit Further Attention
(2008)This report was done at the request of the Chicago field office of the U.S. Government Accountability Office. It investigates whether hybrid pensions might be worthy of further investigation by GAO. The authors review ... -
The School Property Tax and Homestead Credits: Accuracy, Equity, and Contribution to Overall Fiscal Relief
(2007)Property taxes are a visible and vital component of state and local government in Wisconsin. The authors contribute to the discussion of whether income tax credits designed to give property tax relief are accurate and ... -
Sexual Assault in Wisconsin: An Overview
(2004-05-12) -
Street Lighting in Milwaukee: An Evaluation of Street Lighting Circuit Upgrade Costs and Benefits
(2009)This report assesses alternatives for how the City of Milwaukee might complete its upgrade of street lighting circuitry to make it more reliable and cost effective. This analysis employs cost-benefit and political feasibility ... -
Sub-Central Tax Competition in Canada, the United States, Japan, and South Korea
(2009)Tax competition among sub-central governments can enhance efficiency or harm a country?s economy. This report surveys the fiscal structures of Canada, the United States, Japan, and South Korea and analyzes their sub-central ... -
Transportation Utility Fees: Possibilities for the City of Milwaukee
(2007)Using four evaluation criteria, this report evaluates whether Milwaukee should implement a transportation utility fee (TUF) to fund the operation and maintenance of transportation infrastructure in the city. Under a TUF, ... -
Treatment of Juveniles in the Wisconsin Criminal Court System
(2008)Seventeen-year-olds accused of criminal offenses in Wisconsin have been under the jurisdiction of the adult court system since 1995, when the court system?s treatment of juveniles was changed dramatically. This report ...