Browsing La Follette School Workshop Reports by Title
Now showing items 2-21 of 105
Addressing Health Disparities Affecting Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) Youth and Adults in Wisconsin
(2009)Evidence suggests that health disparities exist between the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) and non-LGBT populations in Wisconsin and elsewhere. The authors recommend that the Wisconsin Department of Health ... -
Affordable Housing in Madison
(2000) -
Alternative Funding for Tree Pruning
(2005) -
Analysis of a Local Sales Tax in the City of Milwaukee
(2005)The City of Milwaukee faces the question of how to finance public services without increasing property tax rates. The authors analyze whether a city sales tax is sound public policy. The analysis addresses the challenges ... -
An Analysis of a Red-Light Camera Program in the City of Milwaukee
(2006)Red-light running is the cause of approximately 1,340 crashes each year in the City of Milwaukee, resulting in an estimated societal cost of $131 million per year. This report analyzes whether implementing a red-light ... -
An Analysis of Community Aids
(2006)In Wisconsin, counties hold the primary responsibility for providing public human services. This report examines Community Aids, one source of financial assistance for human services that the state provides to counties. ... -
An Analysis of Food Safety in Wisconsin
(2010)The authors identify two policies to decrease the incidence of food-borne illness and to enhance Wisconsin's food safety system. Their first proposal would mandate quality certification using standards and audits to reduce ... -
Assessing Investment Advice Provided to Participants in Defined Contribution Retirement Plans
(2010)Investment advice is increasingly important as more Americans enroll in defined contribution retirement plans and assume more responsibility for ensuring sufficient retirement income. This report offers the U.S. Government ... -
Assessing Reverse Mortgages as a Viable Retirement Security Alternative
(2009)Developed as an income security alternative, reverse mortgages allow seniors to convert their home equity into cash income. This report provides the U.S. Government Accountability Office an assessment of the risks to ... -
An Assessment of Environmental Effects of the 2005 Mexican Automotive Decree
(2006)The authors examine the environmental effects of Mexican President Vicente Fox's 2005 Automotive Decree which allows the importation of 10- to 15-year-old used vehicles to Mexico. The authors focus on the air pollution ... -
Billing at the Milwaukee Health Department Clinics: An Analysis of Potential Revenue Gains
(2006)The Milwaukee Health Department operates six health clinics to provide services to uninsured and underinsured residents. This paper looks at ways by which the department could increase clinic revenue. At the time of the ... -
Changes in Shared Revenue and the Effects on Wisconsin Taxpayers
(2006)This paper analyzes the effects on Wisconsin taxpayers of the 1995 level-funding and 2001 per capita reductions to the Wisconsin Shared Revenue Program. The authors examine the impact these changes had on taxpayer equity ... -
China in the Indian Ocean Region: Impacts, Prospects, Opportunities
(2011)Mainland China has increased its activities in the Indian Ocean region by investing in regional states, building ports and infrastructure, and acquiring energy resources. This report analyzes the impact of these activities ... -
Chinese Innovations in Environmental Regulatory Policy
(2008)Responding to severe pollution problems, China has developed new environmental regulations that restrict access to credit, the stock market, and export licenses. These policies (among others) leverage the market to punish ... -
City of Milwaukee: Construction Mitigation Program
(2010)This report designs a package of construction mitigation services that the City of Milwaukee could implement to limit the negative impact construction projects have on surrounding businesses. After researching such services ... -
City of Milwaukee: Distributive Impacts of a Local Vehicle Registration Fee
(2008)This project determines how vehicle owners in the City of Milwaukee would be affected by a municipal vehicle registration fee in addition to the state vehicle registration fee, with attention to the regressive nature of ...