Browsing La Follette Working Papers by Title
Now showing items 30-49 of 180
A Decade of Innovation in EU Governance: The European Employment Strategy, the Open Method of Coordination, and the Lisbon Strategy
(2007)This paper examines the European Employment Strategy and the Open Method of Coordination as European Union governance tools. It evaluates the Lisbon Strategy and proposes reforms. -
Demand Subsidies Versus R&D: Comparing the Uncertain Impacts of Policy on a Pre-Commercial Low-Carbon Energy Technology
(2008)To compare the effects of publicly sponsored research and development and subsidies for demand, the authors combine a bottom-up manufacturing cost model with information gathered from experts. They apply their model to ... -
The Design and Dynamics of Performance Measurement Systems in the Public Sector
(2008)The authors use the principal-agent framework to synthesize theoretical and empirical knowledge of the implementation of performance management systems in the public sector. They describe a dynamic framework to account ... -
The Devil May Be in the Details: How the Characteristics of SCHIP Programs Affect Take-Up
(2003)The paper explores whether the specific design of a states Childrens Health Insurance Program has contributed to its success in meeting two objectivesnamely, whether the program has been successful in reducing the ... -
Do Newly Retired Workers in the U.S. Have Sufficient Resources to Maintain Well-Being?
(2005)This paper explores whether older adults have the resources they need beyond Social Security to maintain economic well-being after they retire. The discussion examines motivations for accumulating wealth to save for ... -
Do Rising Property Taxes Lead the Elderly to Move from their Homes?
(2009-12)This preliminary study finds that few of Wisconsin's elderly homeowners are forced to move from their homes because of property tax increases. Given that Wisconsin's property taxes are high compared to those in other states, ... -
Do Youth Nonmarital Childbearing Choices Reflect Expected Income and Relationship Consequences?
(2006)The authors explore whether the perceptions unmarried, adolescent females have about the consequences of choices they make affect those choices and the teens' behavior. The analysis considers expectations about ... -
Does Community Participation Produce Dividends in Social Investment Fund Projects?
(2007)In a study of education projects in Honduras, the authors investigate whether participatory, community-driven approaches to social investment fund projects improve educational outcomes and community members’ perceptions ... -
Does Debt Discourage Employment and Payment of Child Support? Evidence from a Natural Experiment
(2009)The authors find an inverse relationship between child support debt and a father's earnings and child support payments. Higher arrears are generally associated with lower payments and lower earnings for fathers, although ... -
Does No Child Left Behind Place a Fiscal Burden on States? Evidence from Texas
(2005)The federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 requires states to establish goals for all students and for groups of students characterized by race, ethnicity, poverty, disability and limited English proficiency. The ... -
Dolphins and Tuna, Shrimp and Turtles: An American Tale or Policymaking Goes Global?
(2003)The internationalization of what was once purely a matter of domestic policy and the domestication of what was once foreign policy leads to what might be regarded as a considerable expansion of policy networks or, more ... -
Doomed to Deficits? Aggregate U.S. Trade Flows Re-Examined
(2005)This paper examines the stability of import and export demand functions for the United States from the first quarter of 1975 to the second quarter of 2001. Analysis readily identifies an export demand function, with ... -
The Dual Motives of Interest Group Research
(2001)Scholars look at interest groups in two ways. Political science informs the first. It examines who makes up the groups and why they act, and determines the consequences of their actions. The second method is more ... -
East Asia and Global Imbalances: Saving, Investment, and Financial Development
(2007)The paper investigates the role of budget balances, financial development and openness in the evolution of global imbalances. The authors examinine the effect of different types and aspects of financial development using ... -
Economic Inequality in College Access, Matriculation, and Graduation
(2005)This paper concerns the extent to which colleges and universities have succeeded in their desire to promote merit, foster economic mobility, and serve youth from less advantaged families. -
Economic Conditions and Poverty: A Comparison of the 1980s and 1990s
(2006)The authors first establish a benchmark for the relationship between poverty rates among family types and unemployment rates in the 1980s and 1990s. The authors then discuss possible reasons for the differences in ... -
Education and Health in Late-Life among High School Graduates: Cognitive versus Psychological Aspects of Human Capital
(2010-12)Higher academic performance in high school plays a critical role in better health throughout life. Using data from the Wisconsin Longitudinal Study, the report looks at links between educational attainment, high school ... -
Education and Labor Market Consequences of Teenage Childbearing: Evidence Using the Timing of Pregnancy Outcomes and Community Fixed Effects
(2008)The authors explore the consequences of teen childbearing to the mother using a comparison group of pregnant teens who had miscarriages. Taking into account birth control choices, the timing of miscarriages, and community ... -
The Effect of Child Support Enforcement Efforts on Nonmarital Fertility and Marriage
(2007)The author finds mixed evidence as to whether the strength of state child support enforcement affects nonmarital birth or marriage rates. In the preferred specifications, increased enforcement leads to a decrease in the ... -
The Effects of Family Caps on the Subsequent Fertility Decisions of Never-Married Mothers
(2007)The author's estimates suggest that family caps designed to reduce fertility among welfare recipients by denying additional cash assistance to those who have children do not have an effect on subsequent child-bearing among ...