Browsing UW-L Manuscripts (Software Engineering) by Title
Now showing items 24-43 of 46
Online scholarship application system
(2011-01)The Foundation Office at the University of Wisconsin-La Crosse deals with a large number of scholarship applications typically in the range of five to eight thousands every academic year. Nevertheless, processing these ... -
Online student portfolio system (Master of Software Engineering)
(University of Wisconsin -- La Crosse, 2008)Becoming a teacher is a lengthy process for students in Wisconsin. One major requirement for state certification is that students complete a portfolio relating to the ten standards set by the Wisconsin Department of Public ... -
OnRequest Net -- CAFM 1.0 (Master of Software Engineering, unofficial)
(2006-05)This manuscript describes the methodology used to create a network-based application that has the annotative features found in computer aided facility management (CAFM)software. The project was sponsored by Advanced ... -
Project Manager 2007 (Master of Softwware Engineering)
(University of Wisconsin -- La Crosse, 2007)Every software employs certain level of project management system. Irrespective of the size of the team that builds the software, good project management skills and tools will always make developing the software easier, ... -
A Project manager's assistant (Master of Software Engineering, unofficial)
(2006-08)Software project management is a difficult endeavor due to the complexities of maintaining the cooperation and coordination of project team members in order to insure the ordered completion of numerous tasks with multifaceted ... - amateur radio web site portal
(2010-05)This manuscript describes a web site portal destination for amateur (ham) radio operators. The portal consists of a number of web applications including a classified ad listing system, auction listing system, buyer/seller ... -
Re-engineering Trane automated test utility
(2010-12)Automated testing accounts for a large portion of the controls testing process at the Trane Company. The Trane Automated Test Utility (TATU) is a software tool that is responsible for handling the automated test procedures ... -
Requirements compiler (Master of Software Engineering, unofficial)
(2006-05)The process of developing an object-oriented software design from a functional requirements specification is a fundamental issue in software engineering. Important issues such as discovering data elements present in the ... -
Software assistant for management tasks in a fish farm
(2010-05)Software is often created to automate some business processes a company develops and performs manually for a period of years. Developing such software products has many challenges. For one, the customer may be unaware of ... -
Student management system for Reed Music Studios
(2010-04)Reed Music Studios in Onalaska, Wisconsin provides private instruction in piano, strings, flute and guitar. Most of the management activities in the studio are manual paper-based operations which are time consuming and ... -
Tool for test data generation
(2010-03)Software engineers struggle to find proper test data to test software products within time-to-market period. Under-tested software will not only cost a lot of time and effort for customers but also incur huge expenses for ... -
Tool for the automation of membership services and equipment management (Master of Software Engineering)
(University of Wisconsin -- La Crosse, 2008)The Recreational Sport Department at the University of Wisconsin La Crosse wanted a software tool to help manage membership services, track equipment, check in and check out equipment, monitor locker assignment, and finally ... -
Tool support for the prevention of family violence system (Master of Software Engineering)
(University of Wisconsin -- La Crosse, 2007)Family violence is very prevalent in the State of Wisconsin. Family violence is classified into two types of violence: domestic violence or sexual assault. The Prevention of Family Violence System (PFV) was first developed ... -
TOZE, a graphical editor for the object-Z specification language with syntax and type checking capabilities
(2008-12)This manuscript describes the development of a tool that allows users to create and edit formal specifications in the Object-Z language using a graphical user interface. The tool enables users to enter Object-Z specifications, ... -
TripLogic: a demand-response dispatching system (Master of Software Engineering)
(University of Wisconsin -- La Crosse, 2007)It is common in practice that many companies build complex and highly delicate business processes around their legacy (existing software) systems making it extremely difficult and costly to switch software systems or to ... -
Web application for the La Crosse Symphony Orchestra
(2010-12)The La Crosse Symphony Orchestra has been suffering with mediocre tools for quite some time. The Orchestra's website has little functionality and its DOS auction application was developed over twenty years ago. The Orchestra ... -
Web application tool (Master of Software Engineering)
(University of Wisconsin -- La Crosse, 2007)Web site development is a difficult endeavor due to the complexities of programming languages and maintenance cost, especially for those who do not have sufficient computer background. This project was to develop a tool ... -
Web based scheduling utility
(2008-10)This manuscript describes a web based application capable of providing scheduling capabilities for multiple groups of individuals and shifts. It provides an environment in which department coordinators may create and modify ... -
Web based survey development system
(2010-08)The Web Based Survey Development System is an application for Saint Mary's University faculty and students of Winona MN. This application replaces the paper survey with a computerized process that allows authors the ability ... -
Web-based admission system for physical therapy graduate program
(2008-07)Web-based applications are no doubt replacing a paper-based process in most of higher education activities. Web-based applications can help to improve the reliability and to reduce the processing time and cost. In graduate ...