Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Bayesian Inferential Statistics Implemented in R
Conventional frequentist statistics taught in undergraduate courses are obviously better than nothing, yet suffer from systematic failures that allow for easy p-hacking and consistent over-estimation of significance and ...
Mathematical Symmetry in Visual Art Design
Our research project integrated aspects of the mathematical principle of symmetry, artistic imagination, and color theory to form three 3D quilts. Each student made an individual quilt prior to the final collaboration to ...
Mirror Symmetry from Reflexive Polytopes
There are two main theories used by physicists to explain the inner workings of the universe. General relativity is used to describe the very large, while quantum mechanics describes the very small. For decades, physicists ...
Embedding Properties in Central Products
In group theory, we study ways to get new groups from old groups, and we study properties of subgroups and further characterizations of subgroups in various groups. Edouard Goursat determined a method to characterize the ...
Graph Theoretic Models for RNA Secondary Structure
RNA forms bonds with itself and partially determines how the RNA functions. We investigate some models for this RNA secondary structure using a mathematical object called a matching. Some bonds are more likely than others ...
An Equivalence Between the Polytabloid Bases and Specht Polynomials For Irreducible Representations of the Symmetric Group
The purpose of this study was to study Young tableaus, which are combinatorial objects useful in the study of representation theory of symmetric groups, using mathematical theory.
When Do Links Admit Homeomorphic C-complexes?
The goal of this poster is to ask when the same is true of C-complexes. Given two links L and J, when do there exist C-complexes F and G for these links which are topologically equivalent? To what extent is the homeomorphism ...