Now showing items 71-80 of 96
Perceptions of Marketing : An Analysis of Differences and Commonalities Among Business and Non-Business Majors
There have been very limited assessments of the perceptions and beliefs about marketing. If knowledge about negative or incorrect perceptions exist, then these issues should be incorporated into the course content of the ...
Flipping the General Chemistry Laboratory : Increasing Student Engagement by Enhancing Self-Directed Learning
The goal of this study is two-fold: to gather information about the impact of flipped and traditional teaching modes on student understanding of course material, as well measuring students' attitudes about chemistry. Our ...
Investigation of Student Attitudes and Understanding in an Online Versus Face-to-Face Introduction to Inorganic Chemistry Course
The purpose of this project is to evaluate the content-delivery formats in inorganic chemistry to improve academic experiences for students in STEM majors. This study, online and face-to-face student attitudes and understanding ...
The Power of And : Which “Ands” Matter Most
The primary purpose of this study is to examine whether involvement in and congruency between life domain activities increases university commitment, university loyalty, and university satisfaction. Previous studies have ...
How Do Stimulus Difficulty and Amount of Delay Impact Judgments of Learning Made by Younger and Older Adults?
Learning is most effective when we monitor our progress and direct our efforts toward unlearned material. The concept of being aware of our learning is referred to as metacognition, and we are interested in what causes a ...
Love in the Club
The purpose of this study was to determine what young adults, 18-25, look for in nonverbal cues regarding attractiveness of the opposite sex in social settings.
Instructor Assessment of Student Writing
Writing center and composition scholarship emphasizes the importance of focusing on higher-order concerns in writing. However, there is a lack of recent scholarship that examines how instructors perceive student writing. ...
A Preliminary Study of College Students’ Levels of Humility and Disability Attitudes
The purpose of this study was to explore college students' levels of dispositional and intellectual humility and the potential link between humility and disability attitudes. We predicted that those with higher levels of ...
Prevalence Rates of Politically Charged Bullying among College Students Following the Election of 2016
The polarization of United States politics gained significant attention during the 2016 election cycle. Technological advancements have allowed people a new medium to express their political frustrations; however, the ...
Finding Ways to Provide a Lifeline to S.O.S. : Student Knowledge and Behaviors Surrounding the Student Office of Sustainability
With an annual operating budget of $200,000, financed entirely by student segregated fees ($20/student yearly), the Student Office of Sustainability has the potential to make significant strides in helping UW-Eau Claire ...