Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Perceptions of Profanity : The Complexities of Category and Context
In the current study, we tested systematically the idea that people’s responses to a given swear word are related to the conceptual category to which the swear word belongs and the context in which the word is used We also ...
Shoot the Messenger : Changes in Evaluations of Scientific Information as a Function of Messenger Identity
Research on cognitive biases has shown that humans are not impartial, objective receivers of information. In the current studies, we investigate the degree to which individuals’ evaluations of scientific information are ...
What’s Worse : Lazy but Smart, or Stupid but Hardworking? Gender Differences in Mate Preferences and Aversions
It is well-documented globally that men more than women prioritize physical attractiveness while women more than men prioritize dominance and status. The current study builds on the authors’ previous research comparing ...