Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Sharing the Load : Men's and Women's Attitudes Toward Household and Childcare Tasks
Studies suggest that the division of household
labor and childcare, even in dual-earner
households, is imbalanced. Women spend
more time than men do on household and
childcare tasks. Gender differences in childcare ...
I've Chosen Well, But Perhaps I Could Do Better : Maximizing Tendencies and Romantic Relationship Judgments
People make choices in nearly every domain of life, and individuals differ in their choice-making strategies: maximizers search extensively for the best possible option. Satisficers search just until they encounter an ...
Spin : Psychological Scientists Use Casual Language to Describe Non-Casual Data
Misrepresentation of data, or “spin,” comes in
various forms and can be intentional or
unintentional. One of the most prevalent forms
of spin involves misleading interpretation –
specifically, making causal claims that ...