Now showing items 1-10 of 17
New Technology Platform for Digital Collections
Summary Report of the Scholarly Assets Management Initial Exploratory Group
DoIT's Academic Technology and the UW-Madison Library's Office of Scholarly Communication and Publishing conducted discussion group meetings with invited participants representing a broad spectrum of faculty and administrative ...
Digital Library Data Dictionary: Multimedia and Bibliographic Databases: version 2.0 (transitional)
Core data elements used by UWDCC for multimedia and bibliographic databases, in terms of their internal encoding, semantics, appropriate use, and relationship to other metadata schemes.
UW-Madison Digital Library Data Dictionary: Electronic Facsimiles
Primary documentation presenting data model used for textual material.
Resource List Document Type Definition: Version 1.0
Guidelines and Conventions for Digital Library Collections: version 2.0
UWDCC conventions for file naming and directory structure.
Guidelines and Procedures for Electronic Text Projects
Naming conventions and basic coding guidelines for TEI projects.