Browsing UWRF Graduate Theses (formerly "Plan A") by Title
Now showing items 1-20 of 38
Agricultural articulation agreements between Wisconsin high schools and the technical college system
(2018)The study was designed to determine if the Wisconsin Technical College System is meeting the needs of agricultural articulation agreements in the high schools. This project will help the technical colleges see what ... -
Agricultural educators perceptions of the standardization of agricultural education at the course level
(2014-06-04)As standardization of curriculum has become a leading national strategy in the common core subjects, a question has arisen within the agricultural community. Should agricultural education start standardizing its own ... -
(2022-05)Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) – a goal-directed intervention in which an animal that meets specific criteria becomes an integral part of the treatment process – can be a beneficial treatment option for individuals in ... -
Autism Knowledge and Stigma among College Students at the University of Wisconsin – River Falls
(2021)As the prevalence of autism spectrum disorder increases, it is important for students entering the workforce to increase their overall knowledge and decrease stigma surrounding autism. The purpose of this study was to ... -
Clinical Knowledge and Training for Speech-Language Intervention for Individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder
(2021-03-22)Introduction: Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a continuum of disorders that impacts physical and neural development and is caused by maternal alcohol consumption during pregnancy. The resulting disabilities of ... -
Comics aren't just for fun anymore: the practical use of comics by TESOL professionals
(2013-05-06)Comics, in the form of comic strips, comic books, and single panel cartoons are ubiquitous in classroom materials for teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL). While comics material is widely accepted as a ... -
Comparing 4-H Volunteer Training Perceptions Among 4-H Volunteers and Educators
(2019-01-15)Adult volunteers are an integral part of the 4-H program. Volunteers assist with all aspects of the 4-H program. Adult volunteers serve as club leaders, project leaders, chaperones, and are present at all 4-H activities. ... -
Comparison of diagnostic testing with phenotypic expression of parent and hybrid Brassica varieties
(2012-01-25)Many seed companies and producers use diagnostic testing to determine the genetic purity of their seed. Diagnostic labs, such as isoelectric focusing and isozyme electrophoresis, are able to verify a variety's genetic ... -
Demographic Characteristic Reporting Practices in the American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
(2022)The diversity of the United States population is increasing, and thus the field of speechlanguage pathology must be able to not only effectively treat diverse individuals but understand demographic’s effects on medical ... -
The Effects of Conversational Priming on Vocal Fry Use in College Aged Female Students
(2017-11-14)Background: The use of vocal fry is increasingly common in young adult American females. Research suggests possible explanations for this trend, however there is no concrete evidence to explain why some individuals use ... -
The Effects of Exogenous Estrogen and Menstrual Cycle Phase on Female Aerobic Performance
(2021)This thesis investigates aerobic performance and substrate utilization of eumenorrheic women on and off oral contraceptive pills (OCP) during the follicular and luteal phases of the menstrual cycle. The topic was chosen ... -
Effects of Varying Floorholder Message Content When Using Alternative and Augmentative Communication (AAC) with Voice Output on the Telephone
(2017-11-13)Telephone communication can be difficult for individuals who use augmentative and alternative communication (AAC). This study investigated the effects of various floorholder messages on success of telephone interactions. ... -
Geographic information system techniques for the mapping of access routes, habitat suitability and variations in the distributions of common carp (Cyprinus carpio) throughout Malheur National Wildlife Refuge
(2012-07-10)Geographic Information System Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) present a threat to biodiversity throughout the world. They have the potential to create a monoculture by out-competing the endemic species. Habitat degradation ... -
Golf Strength and Conditioning Program Analysis: Are Coaches Using Golf Specific Practices?
(2024)The beliefs and perceptions of golf strength and conditioning coaches dictate how golfers are trained. As dynamic correspondence and transfer of training principles highlight, distinctions between utilized training ... -
Impact of remnant versus pictographic communication books on communicative interactions for an individual with aphasia
(2014-05-30)Aphasia is a loss of receptive and/or expressive language acquired most often from stroke, but can also be acquired by head trauma, tumors, degenerative diseases or removal of brain tissue. Individuals with severe aphasia ... -
Implementation of Experiential Learning in 4-H Educational Travel Opportunities: A Delphi Study
(2021)Experiential learning has become an integral part of 4-H nationwide. All 4-H programming is done with the experiential learning model in mind. A unique educational experience that 4-H offers are the educational travel ... -
Investigating common management practices and natural behaviors of dairy cattle during the transition period.
(2024)The management of dairy cattle during the transition period can vary greatly from farm to farm. These management practices can have a lasting effect, influencing the dairy cows future productivity, profitability, and ... -
Investigating the impact of management decisions on the welfare of dairy cattle.
(2024)Dairy farmers make decisions daily that effect the animals they care for. From housing to feeding and from training of employees to health interventions with everything in between. These decisions impact the welfare, ... -
Ku Klux Klan in northwestern Wisconsin
(2008-09-29)There appeared on the American scene during the decade of the twenties a new phenomenon bent on making the United States safe for Americans. Recognized by William J. Simmons in 1915, the Ku Klux Klan made little headway ... -
Learning Pathways of Non-Traditional Farmers in Agricultural Niche Markets
(2019)Farmers have turned to the University Extension system since its beginnings in the United States with the establishment of the land-grant institutions and extension services. This study focuses on niche market non-traditional ...