Browsing Programs Multimedia by Subject "Finance and Economics"
Now showing items 1-19 of 19
Affordability and Access in American Higher Education in the 21st Century
(2006-02-01)The cost of postsecondary education has risen steadily in recent decades, resulting in high tuition that limits or prohibits attendance for many potential students. In the face of declining state support for public higher ... -
Balancing Give and Take: Funding and Accountability in Public Higher Education
(2007-10-11)Many of the challenges facing postsecondary education today are rooted in lack of resources and money. As state legislatures wrestle with the growing costs of Medicaid, social services, corrections, and K-12 education, ... -
Challenges Facing Postsecondary Enrollment, Financial Aid, and Workforce Development in Wisconsin
(2009-11-17)The fall 2009 forum, hosted by the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) on the University of Wisconsin?Madison campus, will bring together policymakers, practitioners, students, scholars, ... -
The Current Landscape of Financial Aid in Wisconsin
(2009-11-17)The fall 2009 forum, hosted by the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) on the University of Wisconsin?Madison campus, will bring together policymakers, practitioners, students, scholars, ... -
The Global University
(2008-03-11)Join two experts on the internationalization of higher education for a candid discussion about how local communities and regions benefit from the global efforts of their public universities. Topics will include knowledge ... -
Low-Income Student Access at UW-Madison and Beyond: Problems and Solutions
(2007-02-23)Levels of access and success in higher education depend on the policies pursued by colleges and universities and the characteristics of applicants, enrollees, and graduates. These often controversial issues are closely ... -
Marshalling Resources for Change: System-Level Initiatives to Increase Access and Success
(2008-06-13)Canada has a highly educated population, and its overall rates of participation in postsecondary education are among the highest in the world. The problem of accessibility in Canadian higher education lies not in the overall ... -
Moving from Fiscal Constraint to New State-University Partnerships
(2003-02-26)Across the United States, state funding as a percentage of total university budgets and state per-capital contributions to public universities continue to decline. In this public forum nationally recognized speakers will ... -
Navigating the College Crunch: Need- Based Aid and the Future of Wisconsin Education and Employment
(2010)The Wisconsin Idea Forum is a biannual event sponsored by the University of Wisconsin System and hosted by system campuses. This is the second in the program series, which brings University of Wisconsin resources to bear ... -
The Prevalence and Impact of Differential Tuition in Public Research Institutions
(2009-03-25)As Wisconsin?s economy continues to face difficult challenges and the legislature is forced to consider how to fund the state?s public institutions in the coming years, tuition at the University of Wisconsin-Madison will ... -
Promising Examples from Outside Wisconsin
(2009-11-17)The fall 2009 forum, hosted by the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) on the University of Wisconsin?Madison campus, will bring together policymakers, practitioners, students, scholars, ... -
Reexamining the Structure and Funding of Public Higher Education in Wisconsin
(2006-10-26)This forum will examine where Wisconsin stands relative to other states, in the past and present, based on a new measure of state funding for higher education and whether the state and its public universities should consider ... -
Return to the Top: The Role of Increasing College Productivity in America's Quest for Global Leadership in Degree Attainment
(2010-04-20)As America's supply of skilled workers falls behind demand, the country is losing its long-held advantage over competing nations. Many leaders -- most notably President Obama -- have made it a national priority to return ... -
Simplifying the FAFSA through Tax Preparation
(2010-05-17)The fall 2009 forum, hosted by the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) on the University of Wisconsin?Madison campus, will bring together policymakers, practitioners, students, scholars, ... -
Some Consequences of Differential Undergraduate Tuition Increases at UW-Madison
(2007-05-02)Annual percentage increases in UW-Madison tuition rates for in-state and out-of-state undergraduates have typically been almost identical. But beginning in 1999, increases for the two rates were significantly different ... -
State Need Grant: The major grant program for the state of Washington
(2009-11-17)The Wisconsin Idea Forum is a biannual event sponsored by the University of Wisconsin System and hosted by system campuses. This is the second in the program series, which brings University of Wisconsin resources to bear ... -
The (Un)Productivity of American Colleges: From "Cost Disease" to Cost-Effectiveness
(2010-03-19)We show that the productivity of American colleges and universities in terms of degree production is plummeting. This is partly due to rising costs that economists typically attribute to Baumol's well known "cost disease," ... -
Who Ever Thought Need-Based Grants Would Increase Low-Income College Enrollment?
(2007-09-18)When Congress established the Basic Education Opportunity Grant (BEOG) program in 1972, research predicted need-based grants would remove an important financial barrier to college attendance and raise college enrollment ... -
Workforce Effects on Wisconsin's Economy
(2009-11-17)The fall 2009 forum, hosted by the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) on the University of Wisconsin?Madison campus, will bring together policymakers, practitioners, students, scholars, ...