Browsing Programs Multimedia by Subject "Entrepeneurial University"
Now showing items 1-3 of 3
The Evolution of the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery
(2007-10-30)In 2008, construction will begin on the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery. These twin centers -- the private Morgridge Institute for Research (MIR) and the public Wisconsin Institute for Discovery (WID) -- will serve as ... -
The Implications of Knowledge Transfer for Universities in General and for Arts and Humanities Subjects in Particular
(2008-06-06)Knowledge Transfer (KT) is an increasingly high-profile part of government policy in the United Kingdom, and this interactive seminar aims to explore whether KT is a uniquely UK concept. It will begin with an introduction ... -
An Inventive Wisconsin: Ingenuity, Enterprise, and the Knowledge Economy
(2007-09-24)Tom Still will talk about the work of the Wisconsin Technology Council, which serves as the independent science and technology advisor to the governor and the state legislature and addresses Wisconsin's strengths and ...