Browsing Programs Multimedia by Subject "Access, Persistence, and Success"
Now showing items 1-20 of 30
Affordability and Access in American Higher Education in the 21st Century
(2006-02-01)The cost of postsecondary education has risen steadily in recent decades, resulting in high tuition that limits or prohibits attendance for many potential students. In the face of declining state support for public higher ... -
Balancing Act
(1998)Why does the achievement gap matter? What, if anything, should the government do about it? What should schools, and teachers, do about it? Students are critically examining these questions and more in Professor Harry ... -
The Bottom 70 Percent: What America's Elite Institutions of Higher Learning Owe to Everyone Else
(2009-04-23)On February 24th, 2009 President Obama issued a bold call for America to regain its former position as having the most college-educated workforce in the world. To reach that goal, we will have to go where student enrollment ... -
Challenges Facing Postsecondary Enrollment, Financial Aid, and Workforce Development in Wisconsin
(2009-11-17)The fall 2009 forum, hosted by the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) on the University of Wisconsin?Madison campus, will bring together policymakers, practitioners, students, scholars, ... -
The Changing Influence of Social Background and Academic Ability on College Aspirations
(2007-10-16)Petr Mateju will share results from his recent work on educational aspirations among students in Eastern European countries. In particular, he will analyze how socioeconomic status and academic ability affect students? ... -
A Comparative Look at Stratification and Inequality in U.S. Higher Education
(2007-04-25)Higher education in the has expanded dramatically into a diverse system, including a strong vocational component. Yet students from more privileged families continue to have an advantage in gaining access to and persisting ... -
The Current Landscape of Financial Aid in Wisconsin
(2009-11-17)The fall 2009 forum, hosted by the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) on the University of Wisconsin?Madison campus, will bring together policymakers, practitioners, students, scholars, ... -
Diversity at UW-Madison: What Numbers Say
(2005-11-09) -
A First Look at First-Generation Undergraduates at UW-Madison
(2008-03-04)The UW-Madison Office of Undergraduate Admissions has recently started collecting and recording the first-generation status of undergraduate applicants. This creates a new opportunity to learn more about a group of students ... -
How States and Institutions Shape Racial Dynamics in Higher Education
(2006-11-15)In the past decade, states and postsecondary institutions have implemented a variety of policy measures designed to create a university environment that encourages persistence of undergraduate minority students. The types ... -
Low-Income Student Access at UW-Madison and Beyond: Problems and Solutions
(2007-02-23)Levels of access and success in higher education depend on the policies pursued by colleges and universities and the characteristics of applicants, enrollees, and graduates. These often controversial issues are closely ... -
Marshalling Resources for Change: System-Level Initiatives to Increase Access and Success
(2008-06-13)Canada has a highly educated population, and its overall rates of participation in postsecondary education are among the highest in the world. The problem of accessibility in Canadian higher education lies not in the overall ... -
More Inclusion than Diversion: Expansion, Differentiation, and Market Structure in Higher Education
(2009-01-30)This presentation is part of the Ideas and Universities International Video Seminar Series and is made available on the UW-Madison campus thanks to funding and support from the UW-Madison Division of International Studies, ... -
Navigating the College Crunch: Need- Based Aid and the Future of Wisconsin Education and Employment
(2010)The Wisconsin Idea Forum is a biannual event sponsored by the University of Wisconsin System and hosted by system campuses. This is the second in the program series, which brings University of Wisconsin resources to bear ... -
Optimizing the Nation's Investment: Persistence and Success in Postsecondary Education
(2002-10-23)Within the context of the forthcoming re-authorization of the Higher Education Act, this conference will focus on how the nation's resources can be best used to optimize student persistence to degree completion. The ... -
Preserving the Mission in Hard Times: The Example of Admissions and Financial Aid Policies
(2010-04)Why does the achievement gap matter? What, if anything, should the government do about it? What should schools, and teachers, do about it? Students are critically examining these questions and more in Professor Harry ... -
Problems of Injustice in College Enrollment and Completion
(2010-04-12)Why does the achievement gap matter? What, if anything, should the government do about it? What should schools, and teachers, do about it? Students are critically examining these questions and more in Professor Harry ... -
Promising Examples from Outside Wisconsin
(2009-11-17)The fall 2009 forum, hosted by the Wisconsin Center for the Advancement of Postsecondary Education (WISCAPE) on the University of Wisconsin?Madison campus, will bring together policymakers, practitioners, students, scholars, ... -
Return to the Top: The Role of Increasing College Productivity in America's Quest for Global Leadership in Degree Attainment
(2010-04-20)As America's supply of skilled workers falls behind demand, the country is losing its long-held advantage over competing nations. Many leaders -- most notably President Obama -- have made it a national priority to return ... -
The Role of Network Social Capital in Promoting Freshman Success and Human Capital Investment
(2008-12-10)College and university leaders ask for tax and philanthropic support, arguing that their institutions promote economic progress through investment in human capital. Yet, despite Americans' pursuit of higher education in ...