Browsing by Title
Now showing items 28697-28716 of 35355
Senior Cohousing: The Social Architecture of Cohousing, Community Design & Well Being
(2021-05-01)The world is facing a situation without precedent, due to the anticipated growth in and increasing longevity of elderly people. Where and how people live is and can be a determinant of health. There is substantial research ... -
Senior teacher perceptions towards inclusion
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2001)Research has been conducted on the perceptions that teachers have towards the inclusion of students with disabilities into the regular education classroom. The purpose of this study was to describe the perceptions of senior ... -
Senior thesis-ware
(2012) -
Senorita Extraviada : Latina documentary filmmakers in the United States.
(2008-09-17)This project explored the lives and works of a number of exceptional Latina documentary filmmakers working in the United States whose bodies of work have been socially and academically overlooked. A particular emphasis was ... -
Sense of Direction: Embedding a Virtual Tour in Course-Integrated Instruction Sessions at an Academic Library
(Practical Academic Librarianship: The International Journal of the SLA Academic Division, 2020-10-09)Because academic library tours typically require an entire class period to conduct, some professors are reluctant to provide students with opportunities for physical library orientation. Thus, when classes meet for ... -
Sensing with Geometry-Dependent Magnetostriction Via an Embedded Fiber Bragg Grating
(2019-08-01)Fiber optic current sensors (FOCSs) have unique advantages in electromagnetic interference immunity and direct current measurements. Here, magnetostrictive composites and their interactions with embedded ber Bragg gratings ... -
Sensitivity Analysis of Geometry Changes in the Simulation of Basilar Aneurysms
(2016-12-01)Computer simulation is a useful tool in the research and treatment of basilar aneurysms. Current technology allows researchers to create 3D models from cerebral vasculature in-vivo, allowing for the investigation of surgical ... -
Sensitivity and Susceptibility of the Yahara River to Petroleum Spills
(2011-05-13)Identify and map the riparian, wetland and lake shore areas of the Yahara River in Dane County, Wisconsin that are most sensitive and susceptible to petroleum spills. This information could be used to more efficiently ... -
Sensitivity Calculation of Different Parameters for Power Plant Collaboration
(2014-05-18)This paper introduces a dynamic simulation method to simulate a WECC 4 bus power plant model and discusses various optimization approaches to better simulate the model by varying some parameter values. -
The sensitivity of benzene cluster cation chemical ionization mass spectrometry to select biogenic terpenes
(Atmos. Meas. Tech., Published by Copernicus Publications on behalf of the European Geosciences Union., 2018-06-07)Benzene cluster cations are a sensitive and selective reagent ion for chemical ionization of select biogenic volatile organic compounds. We have previously reported the sensitivity of a field deployable chemical ionization ... -
Sensitivity of bridge health index to element failure costs and conditions
(Midwest Regional University Transportation Center, 2009-11)The Bridge Health Index (BHI) is a bridge performance measure based on the condition of the bridge elements. It is computed as the ratio of remaining value of the bridge structure to the initial value of the structure. ... -
Sensor Based Real-Time Scheduling in Thermally Constrained Uniprocessor Systems
(2010-12-15)Due to increasing power densities, thermal management is becoming an important issue in real-time systems. In particular, without thermal-aware scheduling, execution of tasks in a real-time application may increase the ... -
Sensor-Based Risk Perception for Drivers Under Adverse Environment
(2018-08-18)Due to factors such as snow and ice impeding drivers’ vision, automobile accidents significantly rise during winter months. This study sets forth an automated evaluation network of the Risk Perceived Ability (RPA) for ... -
Sensorflow : Learning Through Motion
(2018-04)We want to enable the user to use internet-connected (IoT) devices in order to learn any alphabet outside the typical classroom setting in an engaging way. Machine learning facilitates classifying any type of images by ... -
Sensorless control of interior permanent-magnet machine drives with zero-phase lag position estimation
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc, 2003) -
Sensorless tension control in paper machines