Browsing by Title
Now showing items 18719-18738 of 35357
Leaching from Roadways Stabilized with Additive Coal Combustion Products (CCPs): Data Assessment and Synthesis
(2015-05-17)Approximately 37% of the electrical power used in the United States is generated by coal-fired power plants. Air pollution control systems installed on coal-fired power plants collect solid byproducts of coal combustion, ... -
Lead Corrosion Inhibitors in Drinking Water
(2018-08-01)Lead-containing materials that include lead pipes, fittings, solder, and fixtures are widely present in drinking water distribution systems in North America and Europe. Their internal corrosion provides the most significant ... -
A lead program for XYZ company
(2005) -
Lead, Land, and Cranberries: The Ho-Chunk Experience in the 19th Century
(2011-05-11)This paper will examine how and why the Ho-Chunk people of Wisconsin lost their estate in Wisconsin. The paper will focus on the desire for natural resources that drove white settlers to push for the removal of the Ho-Chunk ... -
Leader-member exchange: the missing link between leadership style and organizational outcomes? the mediating effect of LMX
(University of Wisconsin-Stout, 2020)The present study investigated the mediating effect of Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) on the relationship between leadership style and employee outcomes. Previous literature studied individual relationships between constructs, ... -
Leaders' opinions of elements in establishing a high-performing people-centered culture
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2001)This is phase II of a two-part study. Emily Stump conducted phase I in May 2000. In her research, Stump created a research instrument to determine leaders’ opinions of elements that establish and sustain a high-performing, ... -
Leaders' opinions of elements in establishing and sustaining a high performance people centered culture
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2000)The purpose of this study is to conduct a descriptive study that will determine leaders’ opinions of elements in establishing and sustaining a high performing people centered culture. This is Phase I of a two-part study. ... -
Leadership and alumni tracking system
(2010-05)When an organization grows, it needs to evolve in order to effectively manage the increased amount of information required to effectively run. Today, this means making the leap from analog to digital. For the local chapter ... -
Leadership and counselor characteristics of teen leadership programs at midwestern summer camps
(2013-08)Literature about summer camp leadership and teen programs lacks information on the importance of leadership characteristics, activities and strategies for teaching those characteristics, and the relationship to staff ... -
Leadership and Reform: Mapping the Causal Pathways of Performance Information Use
(2009)The authors examine how leadership fosters performance data and influences the implementation of management reforms. They suggest that transformational leadership has a positive but indirect effect on the use of performance ... -
Leadership and Staff Perceptions on Long- Term Care Staffing Challenges Related to Certified Nursing Assistant Retention
(2024-04)With retention of Certified Nursing Assistants (CNAs) becoming more difficult, an aging population, and a workforce crisis in long-term care (LTC), LTC facilities are faced with the struggle of not enough staff. Previous ... -
Leadership attitudes and practices of resident advisors and hall council leaders
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2000)This study examined leadership attitudes and the Leadership Practice Inventory scores of University of Wisconsin-Stout resident advisors and hall leaders. Differences in leadership attitudes were examined between the ... -
Leadership expression in four-year public institutions: An exploration of characteristics and strategies of academic deans
(2020-05)Higher education needs prepared leaders now more than ever. The purpose of this qualitative, phenomenological study is to explore leadership characteristics and strategies of academic affairs deans at four-year public ... -
Leadership in School Psychology
(2021-05)School psychologists are expected to be leaders, yet there is not a domain-specific model of leadership to guide training and practice. Effective school psychologists must have the ability to adjust their leadership style ... -
Leadership in the Community : Clinical Immersion to El Salvador
(2017-02-27)The cultural immersion experience in El Salvador is meant to change how nursing students advocate for patients, families, and communities. Our goal was to make an impact in the community. To do this, we learned the country’s ... -
Leadership perceptions of third grade students based on both gender of the leader and gender of the student
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2000)The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between the gender of third grade students at Longfellow Elementary and their rating of perceived leadership effectiveness of both males and females as measured ...