Browsing by Title
Now showing items 12654-12673 of 35355
Fast Glass: Modernity, Technology, and the Cinematic Lens
(2019-05-01)This dissertation tells a cultural history of how lenses became cinema lenses. While lenses are essential for film production, we know very little about the early history of cinema lenses. Rather than just focusing on which ... -
Fast Solvers for Finite Difference Approximations for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes Equations
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1991) -
Fast treatment plan modification with an over-relaxed Cimmino algorithm
Fast-Cache: A New Abstraction for Memory System Simulation
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1994) -
Fast-clamped short-circuit protection of IGBT's
(IEEE, 1999) -
Fast-Flow Phenomena in a Toroidal Plasma
(American Institute of Physics, 1995) -
(1964?) -
Fat and Caloric Content of Breast Milk of Mothers of Premature Infants: Comparison of High vs. Low Volume Producers and the Impact of Volume in Single Pumping Sessions and the Interval Between Pumping Sessions
(2018-05-01)Premature birth affects 8-18% of all infants worldwide and is the leading cause of death in children less than the age of 5 years. The premature birth rate has been on the rise between 2014-2016 in the United States and 1 ... -
The fat is in the fire : an inquiry into fatness, the third-person effect, and empathy
(2012)This quantitative study was conducted in a Midwestern high school to explore the perceptions of fat people in the media. Research participants in the experimental group were shown an episode of the hit television show, ... -
The fat is in the fire: an inquiry into fatness, the third person effect, and empathy
(University of Wisconsin--Whitewater, 2012-08-25)This quantitative study was conducted in a Midwestern high school to explore the perceptions of fat people in the media. Research participants in the experimental group were shown an episode of the hit television show, ... -
Fatality and Gender in the Great London Plague of 1665
(2010-04)The bubonic plague was the most devastating biological incident in late medieval and early modern Europe. The first major attack, known as the "Black Death," struck communities throughout Western Europe in the mid-14th ... -
FATCOP 2.0: Advanced Features in an Opportunistic Mixed Integer Programming Solver
(2000)We describe FATCOP 2.0, a new parallel mixed integer program solver that works in an opportunistic computing environment provided by the Condor resource management system. We outline changes to the search strategy of ... -
FATCOP: A Fault Tolerant Condor-PVM Mixed Integer Programming Solver
(1999-12)We describe FATCOP, a new parallel mixed integer program solver written in PVM. The implementation uses the Condor resource management system to provide a virtual machine composed of otherwise idle computers. The solver ... -
The Fate of a Perfluoropolyether-Coated Paper in a Composting System: Compostability and Chemical Analysis
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 2014-06)Fluorosurfactant-coated paper has been and continues to be a convenient grease, moisture and heat proof product for the packaging and preparation of food. Paper packaging materials are often suitable for composting ... -
The Fate of Aldicarb Residue in Groundwater at a Central Sand Plain Farm, Waushara County, Wisconsin
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1985-12)Groundwater is depended upon by a large proportion of the people of Wisconsin, as well as America, for drinking and many other domestic, agricultural, and industrial purposes. In spite of this dependence, groundwater statewide ... -
Fathead minnow early life-stage toxicity tests wtih dinoseb and caroburan
(1987-07-06)We have completed fathead minnow early life-stage toxicity tests on the University campus with dinoseb and carbofuran. These were flow-through tests with measured concentrations of toxicants. -
The father/child relationship and its influence on criminal behavior
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2001)Crime is rampant in our society and the public wants it to stop. However, it is nearly impossible to put an end to a problem if we do not know it’s beginning. There are numerous theories and accusations regarding the cause ...