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Now showing items 35269-35288 of 35355
Yazmene Thomas Oral History Interview
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)Yazmene Thomas graduated with a bachelors degree from the Psychology Department at UW-Stout in 2000 and graduated with a masters degree from UW-Stout in 2003. Thomas discusses her experiences at UW-Stout and how these ... -
Year 1: Pollinating My Doctoral Journey
(2020-05-12)Biodiversity is decreasing around the world. An international network for teachers and students to utilize in growing biodiverse schoolyards would make much more habitat available. Questions to ask include: How can schoolyards ... -
A Year Of Value Analysis
(1949-03-49) -
Yeast 2 Hybrid Analysis of Candida albicans Proteins Mbp1, Swi6 and Skn7
(2013-05)Candida albicans is a yeast that can cause opportunistic skin and mucous membrane infections, such as thrush and vaginal yeast infection, as well as systemic infections in immune-compromised patients. It has been well ... -
Yeast Choice Impacts Fermentation Outcomes in Makgeolli
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)Glucose,maltotriose, and maltosedecreased as the ethanolconcentration increased. More ethanol is produced in the samples containing yeast. The type of rice has no effect on the ethanol production. We recommend that ... -
Yeast Impact on Sourdough Starter
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2023)Sourdough starter (Fig. 1) contains flour and water that ferments using microbes found in the surrounding environment. We analyzed how different yeasts (Fig. 2) impact the products of sourdough fermentation. -
Yellow Perch Recruitment and Zooplankton Availability in Northern Wisconsin Lakes with Different Walleye Recruitment Histories
(College of Natural Resources, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, 2023-12)Some northern Wisconsin lakes that previously supported natural Walleye Sander vitreus recruitment have exhibited recruitment declines over the last few decades. Previous research conducted on thirteen lakes in northern ... -
Yellow Perch, Perca Flavescens, Growth and Survival on Different Feeds and in Low Salinity Environments
(2020-05-01)The development of effective culture techniques in the rearing of yellow perch (Perca flavescens) (Mitchill 1814) has multi-lateral benefits including enriching recreational resources, helping conservation efforts, as well ... -
A Yellow Uncle Tom vs. A National Hero: How Acting President S. I. Hayakawa Split Support in the Japanese Community of San Francisco during the San Francisco State Strike
(2016-09-30)November 6, 1968 was the beginning of what was to be the longest student strike in United States’ history. Through 5 months of struggle, confrontations with police, and battling an emergency-installed President, who was ... -
Yellow-Bellied Marmots in the Great Basin : Low-Elevation Populations Persist 75 Years After E.R. Hall's Survey
(2015-04)The purpose of this study was to document whether marmots still lived and thrived in the meadows of mountain ranges in the Great Basin Mountains in Utah. -
Yellowstone Eruption Analysis : a Study on the Relationship Between the West Triplet and Rift Geysers.
(2009-04)The West Triplet and Rift geysers are important members of the Grand Geyser Group, one of the most prominent geyser groups in Yellowstone National Park. The West Triplet and Rift geysers have been studied as possible ... -
Yesterday This Day's Madness Did Prepare
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, UW-Madison, 2008) -
Yews and hemlocks - A progress report.
(1969-10-01)An investigation which has been underway for several years at the Cedar-Sauk Field Station and the adjacent Cedarburg Bog is concerned with the American Yew or Ground Hemlock (Taxus canadensis Marsh.) and the Eastern Hemlock ... -
Yield and Nutrient Response of Four Popular Fertilizers applied to Kentucky Bluegrass (Poa Pratensis)
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Natural Resources, 1981-08)Three popular brand name fertilizers, Scotts, Agrico, and Milorganite, and a Urea plus Potassium Chloride mixture were applied to a Kentucky bluegrass. Fertilizers were applied at a rate of 1 pound of actual nitrogen ... -
Yield-driven, false-path-aware clock skew scheduling
(Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Computer Society, Piscataway, NJ 08855-1331, United States, 2005) -
Yin, John interview
(2010-04-22)Dr. John Yin is Professor of Chemical and Biological Engineering at UW Madison. He is one of the theme leaders for Systems Biology at the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery. This interview documents his involvement in the ... -
The Yinyang Academies in Yuan China (1260-1368): Formation and Development
(2017-05)This thesis studies a broad historical context of the yinyang academy system established during the Yuan dynasty (1260-1368). The Mongol rulers created the system in order to regulate and educate yinyang practitioners, a ... -
Yoga as a means of increasing job satisfaction in the workplace
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2018)Employees are the backbone of all organizations. The success or failure of an organization often depends on the behavior of its employees (Tsai, 2011). For this reason, it is important that organizations invest in keeping ... -
Yohimbine-Induced Circadian Clock Resetting in Mice
(2012-04)Mice are nocturnal animals that exhibit predictable activity patterns controlled by their internal (circadian) clock. This study demonstrated that a mouse's circadian clock can be reset to an earlier time through the ...