Browsing by Title
Now showing items 26210-26229 of 35355
Q-V Curve Interpretations of Energy Measures for Voltage Security
Q-V Curve Interpretations of Energy Measures for Voltage Security - Reply
The Qaumi English-Urdu Dictionary
(Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1994) -
Qiranu's-Sa'dain men Ghalib ka Tazkira
(Department of Languages and Cultures of Asia, UW-Madison, 2013) -
Qissa-e Mehrafroz-o-Dilbar
(Center for South Asia, University of Wisconsin–Madison, 1999) -
QoS assurances through class selection and proportional differentiation in wireless networks
QPCOMP: A Quadratic Programming Based Solver for Mixed Complementarity Problems
(1996-02-07)QPCOMP is an extremely robust algorithm for solving mixed nonlinear complementarity problems that has fast local convergence behavior. Based in part on NE/SQP method of Pang and Gabriel [14], this algorithm represents a ... - amateur radio web site portal
(2010-05)This manuscript describes a web site portal destination for amateur (ham) radio operators. The portal consists of a number of web applications including a classified ad listing system, auction listing system, buyer/seller ... -
Quadratic Convergence of a Newton Method for Nonlinear Programming
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1972)A Newton algorithm for solving the problem minimize f(x) subject to g(x) - 0, where f:Rn - R and g:Rn - Rm is given for the case when g is concave. At each step a convex quadractic program with linear constraints is solved ... -
Quadratic Spline Function Approximation for Solution of Nonlinear Boundary Value Problem and its Application to Hencky Problem
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1969) -
A Quadratically Convergent Lagrangian Algorithm for Nonlinear Constraints
(University of Wisconsin-Madison Department of Computer Sciences, 1972)An algorithm for the nonlinearly constrained optimization problem is presented. The algorithm consists of a sequence of major iterations generated by linearizing each nonlinear constraint about the current point, and adding ... -
Quagga Mussel Induced Phosphorus Cycling Changes in Lake Michigan
(2020-08-01)Quagga mussels (Dreissena rostriformis bugensis) are an invasive ecosystem engineer that have successfully colonized both profundal and nearshore regions in Southern Lake Michigan. Quagga mussels directly altered the flow ... -
The Quaker influence on Emerson
(1939) -
Quaker of Virtue: Herbert Hoover and His Humane Foreign Policy
(2013-08-01)This study examines the major foreign policy events of Herbert Hoover's presidency. The thesis uses newspapers, presidential memorandums as well as memoirs from key cabinet members in Hoover's administration to bring into ... -
Qualified Dublin Core XML Schema for UWDCC
(2007-06-14) -
Qualitative Analysis of Literacy Strategies in the Instrumental Music Responsive Classroom: A Personal Exploration
(University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, College of Professional Studies, 2008-08)An examination of content area reading strategies reveals a notable deficit in research in the practical application of these strategies to the instrumental music classroom. This study incorporates literacy strategies ... -
Qualitative Analysis of Lost Labor Productivity in Electrical Construction from the Perspective of Field Personnel
(2018-05-31)Executive Summary The stagnant production practices, the decline in experienced workers, and the steep economical labor cost has challenged the construction industry to improve labor production practices. This research ... -
A qualitative approach to the study of resilience in our elders
(University of Wisconsin--Stout, 2003)The purpose of this study was to examine successful aging. Specifically, the intent of this phenomenological study was to explore and then identify certain factors that contributed to the expressions of resilience in elders. ... -
Qualitative Assessment of Multicultural Competence Development of Pre-service Teacher Participants in Civil Rights Pilgrimage
(2018-02-14)Because UW-Eau Claire does not have a highly diverse campus to increase students' intercultural competence, students at the University in 2008 established a ten-day immersion experience entitled the Civil Rights Pilgrimage. ...